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Alcohol and benzo withdrawls


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I’m new here, so please be kind. 


I’m 2 weeks off of a moderately fast taper of Valium.  I’m battling headaches, brain fog, malaise, and  pins and needle sensations in many parts of my body seemingly made worse by alcohol (particularly beer). Has anyone any similar experiences in using alcohol during withdrawl? 

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Since benzo's and alcohol work on the same part of the brain, its not a good idea to drink so early in recovery but many have reported being able to drink again once they recover completely. 


Just for your information, they give benzo's to alcoholics in detox to keep them from seizing and I've often heard alcohol described as liquid benzo's.  The problem is your brain can't differentiate between alcohol and benzo's so you're confusing it by drinking.  No judgement, just information.


And by the way, we do our best to be kind and treat each member with respect.  :smitten:

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