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Benzo withdrawl & Akathisia


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I'm two years in...healing from antipsychotics (that I never should have been put on), anti-depressants, sleep-aids, benzos, and anti-emetics. It's an insane nightmare, but I am doing it all with a growth mindset. I have five children and a freaking phenomenal husband, so I've decided I'm not going anywhere, and am determined to heal, as long as it takes, and support others along the way!
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Hello LatterDaisySaint, welcome to BenzoBuddies,


Well my goodness, you've got me believing you can do this and we've just met, I love your can-do attitude, this will carry you through!


Can you give us a bit more information, are you recovering from all of these medications or are you still taking some of them?  It would be good to know what you've taken in the past and what you're taking now, it helps us help you.


We're happy you found us and are looking forward to getting to know you.  I'll provide a couple of links to get you started but please ask questions if you have them, we're here to help.




The Ashton Manual


Planning Your Withdrawal (Taper Plans)


Withdrawal Support (during your taper)


Post-withdrawal Recovery Support




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