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How would you describe your morning anxiety during and post WD


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I am almost 6 months free and right after my taper mine was really difficult cause it went from adrenaline /panic every night, but it did decreased overtime....I can recall my dreams would wake me up with adrenaline/ panic, but now being almost 6 months free I get this like once a week and before it would take me a good few hours or longer to calm down from the affects of the panic, the sweating, heavy breathing, shaking, fast heart rate etc. NOW I can calm down within a minute and fall back asleep.

So how is everyone Else's morning and anxiety and how can you relate

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I am 4 months free now.  My worse anxiety/panic has always been in the morning, evenings have always been pretty good. They have begun to get less intense.  Same as you it takes a few hours for it to get better. I have had almost the exact symptoms you describe. I am also taking herbal supplements that I think helps. 
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I'm having the  same experience as you.  I am only 4 weeks benzo-free.  I am finding it difficult at night if I wake up from a bad nightmare or some other type of worrisome thought or panic.  Nighttime doesn't seem to be too bad.  I fall asleep only to wake up a couple hours later with this type of anxiety - same symptoms as you.    Glad to know these symptoms are not just me (not that I would wish this on anyone else) because I sometimes think that I'm just going crazy.    Then I think about how I slept before benzos - 8-9 hours sleeping like a baby.  Are these symptoms common to benzo w/d?

So glad to hear you can calm yourself down so quickly now.  How long did that take for you?

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Not sure if its common with w/d I think so based on what I have read that others wrote.  I have been taking supplements my whole w/d period.  I do think they help take the edge off as well as my body is just releasing.  My normal pattern has always been that my anxiety starts around 6am and peeks around 8-10 am, around 2pm I start to feel better.  This is also the pattern of my cortisol levels.  I know about the anxiety dreams, they have gotten better for me.  Sadly I think time is the best healer.  Hang on I know its hard.  I find talking to someone helps and accupuncture/massage helped for a short term fix.
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thanks for everyones comments....Sp ya i'm pretty sure it's benzo WD related because I have never had any of this proeblem before benzo's, the panic severe anxiety, everything I had decribed, I mean I would get adreniline on occasion for good reason, but not for any reason at all....The really bad night panic from dreams ect started exactly 4 months free and didn't let up until  about now it's getting better and i'm almost 6 months free next week......This is another reason I think it's benzo realted because I am imporving slowly overtime....Congrats being 4 weeks free :)


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