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Something disturbing the resident psychiatrist said about "clinic lose license"


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:( I am now almost at 50% off my initial rather large dosage of 2 mgs a day Clonazepam. It will have taken 13 -14 weeks.  The next phase, from 1 to .5, is going to take at least 18 weeks.

I mention taper & speed because I am wondering if anyone who knows a bit about U.S.A. laws concerning a medical practitioner's license to prescribe benzos can enlighten me.  Back in 2019, I met with the resident psychiatrist where I get my talk therapy from a certified counselor.  The psychiatrist first disturbed me by his proposed taper plan for me: 6 weeks total taper!  Throw away .5 mgs every 2 weeks from daily dose until I have zero left!  And that he would give me gabapentin and one of the APs (can't remember lamactil or Seroquel) to help me.  I said no, I will stick with getting prescription from my general practitioner because when I feel ready to taper, I want to follow the Ashton manual (yes I knew about that in 2019.)

This is the disturbing part - he said OK, you will have to be prescribed through your general prac. MD then, because if I were to slow taper you, this entire clinic could lose its license!

Oh, and since then, I have heard at least 2 others on benzos say their prescribers told them.the exact thing, they could lose their license if they slow tapered anyone.

Why?  Why would the DEA, FDA, anyone else in authority punish someone who was DECREASING the dosage of benzos for a patient?  Doesn't make sense.

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I hope you get some feedback from the community about this, I've not heard it before.  Thanks for asking the question.
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