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Surprise surges - anyone else and what can I do?


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As I heal, I find that I spend more time not being chemically anxious (yay!). However, I get surges at random times, just doing nothing particularly stressful. It is unnerving.


Does anyone else get this? What do you do? I used to drop everything and start walking, but it's over 90 degrees out, so it's hard to do now. Thanks for so much support in the last week - I know I have a million questions lately.

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My anxiety is not as bad as it used to be either. But I do get surges. Doesn't seem to matter what I'm doing it can come on at any time. I like walking also because it's movement and it just feels good. Even if I'm doing good in the evening I can get one. As soon as I notice it I say, I dismiss this anxiety it no longer serves any higher useful purpose, and then I do some breathing techniques, and say my mind is calm my body is peaceful. I repeat that over and over till I feel better. For me, it always seems to help. The best thing to do is not to let it get us down or freak out about it. I know it's not easy.:( I think it's all part of the healing process. Hope this helps. Hugs!



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The anxiety has improved. But the physical symptoms have really escalated. I also have very bad depression. Which is really weird because I have never been a depressed person in my life. At times I would have some anxiety but depression no. Very frustrating!

Right now I'm sitting here with a terrible headache.



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I am free of anxiety and have random surges of anxiety that last a couple hours but I am early in my taper. My anxiety doesn't seem to be related to my cut(s). Rather is is just general WD. For me it is worst in the morning for some reason. Maybe because my mind goes over past pain and current stressors more during that time. Sorry you're dealing with this. As your healing journey continues, I am sure it will get better.



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I am in the same boat, I get real panicked and all i want to do is walk but I'm terrified of heat stroke. It's also 90 here lately.
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It's perfect walking weather where i live. Mid 60's. But I am so tired from my insomnia that I often don't go. I need to pull it out of my ars and go walking. It would probably help my sleep. I hope your surges are lessening up, fluffer. I now, with my new cut, have GAD all the time. I am always anxious. I miss the days of Xanax actually working for me. Too bad it isn't a miracle drug with no tolerance and no ill effects. Ahhhh to dream. As it stands, I have to get it out of my life.






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Hi Fluffer- when my Belsomra taper was off the rails, I got horrible adrenaline surges (but they were only when waking up--from a nap, in the morning, in the middle of the night, etc.). Somewhere on BB I read that vitamin C can help, so I started taking 2 grams at night at 1 gram as soon as I woke up. The next day the surges stopped cold and have not returned...



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Oh, I forgot to add this important bit of information: I was already taking 2gs of vitamin when the surges started, but I was taking it at midday or early afternoon. It wasn't until I started taking it before going to bed and after waking up that the surges stopped.
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