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Day 5


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Day 5 of my set back still don’t feel normal when will this wave I induced come to a end. I’m tired of going backwards it feels almost like it did in the first months. I’m just waiting for it to end
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I don't know the details of your set back but I wanted to say I'm on your team and like fluffer said; It will get better. You have a window coming soon :)



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We all seem to have setbacks and/or waves, but they eventually fade away and become less frequent!  My windows have gotten longer and my waves shorter, and this will happen for you, too! 



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Hi there, I’m sorry you’re in a wave, it’s a horrible feeling. I’ve been there many times. In the first year my waves tended to last anywhere from a week to a month. It will lift on its own accord, these symptoms are your nervous system healing. I always found after a bad wave I’d always feel that little bit better, I’d sometimes wake up after a horrible wave to find myself in a lovely window. It was so strange it would literally happen overnight, like I’d go from feeling like death to feeling great. Hold on, this is a normal part of the journey, it gets so much better down the line. I’m able to work, exercise vigorously, go out, and just be normal now, and I went through a nightmarish withdrawal. You’re healing, it’ll happen
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