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I need to do this


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I'm in South Africa and here we do not have easy access to any online assistance with a Benzo problem.  I made a note last night and remembered how much this drug has influenced my life.  Lost count of how many relationships went under this strain.


I am currently using Zolphidem that was prescribed to me whilst going through a divorce.  Now, that's 10 years ago.  To me it's like a "bench" that I can use when live is getting me down, lately it's like a routine and my ways of escaping. I do not have friends or family that I can speak to regarding this.  I think my boyfriend is getting suspicious that I am using something.  It all started with 10 mg (1 tablet) at night and I'm currently on 1 and a half.  I went through a stage where 5 or 6 wasn't even enough.  This morning I got into my car and on my way to work decided that I need to try again to get off this drug.  I can not go on like this as I've lost so many things (love and jobs) and I can't always blame my circumstances or whatever happened to me many years ago. 


I'm scared of going cold turkey.  Most difficult is to do it so that nobody notices it. 


In South Africa it's like having a disease. 


Please, if any of the members can assist me with guidance.  I really need to do this. 





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Hello Energade, welcome to BenzoBuddies,


It is nice to have you as a member of our community!  Most of us were very alone with our benzo use and the way it can affect one's life and relationships can sneak up on us.  I am glad you are checking in with us as we never suggest someone go cold turkey off benzos.  We support a slow taper to keep withdrawl symptoms to a minimum and allow one to stay functional; reducing your total daily dose no more than 5-10% every two weeks or so should achieve that goal.  You can find information about taper plans here:


Planning Your Withdrawal (Taper Plans)


You do not have to be alone as you will find withdrawl support here:


Withdrawal Support (during your taper)


Get settled in and when you are ready, you can start a thread.  Let us know how we can help.


Best and again, welcome,



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Welcome. You have the motivation and the desire to make a change. That is always a great thing. Please ask your questions in the tapering sections, and you can slowly work your way down. Let your body and your symptoms guide you.  :)
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Hi Energade, welcome!


You already have a head start by finding BBs before you started your taper. I just found the forum when I hit 1mg at the end of last year so my taper was messy. You are out in front of this already as you will be able to follow a sensible controlled taper. There are so many knowledgeable people on here to guide you all the way. You have come to the right place.


I was on 20mg Valium for over 8 years so in the same ballpark time wise as you. I have also kept my benzo use and withdrawal very private. The only person that knows is my flatmate. With the help of the people on this forum I recently managed to finish my taper. You will too. You have the right attitude. I know its scary and the extra stress of keeping it secret is hard. I’ve used the cover of Covid and lockdowns as excuses to avoid meeting people. Its working so far.


You’ve got his!



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Hi Energade!!


Another ambien user! I am one too, over 20 years. We do not go cold turkey, no no no!!! Because we want success with the taper. I can only speak from my experience. I started last September by tapering 0.50mg every two weeks, generally. And I came here most days and talked to people and read things. THAT is my medicine. Can you do that? But I felt Happy that I had started, I felt really happy and uplifted and I also have been getting sleep most of the time. I am now at 3.00mg. I find some patterns of sleeping well ... then a bad night or two ... then better as I'm tired from those nights with less sleep ... then I get exhausted altogether ... then I sort of even out and 2 weeks have gone by and I drop down again. But I also use a behavior pattern to calm down at night to sleep which includes getting up early and getting daylight in my eyes ... and getting exercise. So I set myself up for sleep at night. I also get off computer screens 1 to 2 hours before bed because of the blue light but also because it kinda gets me excited to be a part of the big wide world and interacting and I need to CALM down ...


I tell my doctor that I've gone down but I don't say the truth of how much because I need the 5mg pills to cut a tiny bit off the top. I have oblong shaped ones. So I started at 10 mg and asked for 2 5mg pills so I could start tapering. Then when I got to 5 I didn't say it until I had been there a while and felt secure. I see the doctor for renewals but I say that I got down a little many nights, but sometimes I need more ... something like that.


The first doctor wanted me to get off in 2 weeks, from 10 to 0. I knew I couldn't go through that so I found a different doctor. He is a psychiatrist who has empathy for my need to go slow and he gives me way more time than I hope to take.


Here's another group for people getting off sleep meds, this is the one I go to the most, and one for insomnia.

Z-Drug Support Group (Lunesta, Imovane, Zimovane, Ambien, Sonata, Zopiclone). http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=97331.0


Insomnia Insomnia


Take some time to read here and think about a plan. Think about a day to drop 0.50 mg off your pill if you can and then just stay there for 2 weeks. Think about what you might need to do to support your body in relaxing!


Okay, well, I hope I haven't overwhelmed you. I've been wishing for more ambien users to connect with. Plus I woke up very early and have extra time to roam the board this morning.






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