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5 months 2 days


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I’m feeling a bit better lately, hopefully this is a trend and I keep getting better today went by fairly well. Symptoms I still have jelly legs mainly while standing still doesn’t feel as bad as walking or maybe that’s akathisia not sure. Some brain zaps/shivers, muscle twitches random pains in joints/muscles and internally has me worried at times feeling a bit less anxious still feel like I’m dying from something terminal but seeing that it’s probably just withdrawals. Things feel like they finally slowing down hopefully this isn’t a window not sure I could I say I really experienced windows just have different symptoms at different times of day. Night time chest tightness for some reason near my upper right shoulder it’s confusing and such a process but progress even though very slow. Cant wait to be back to normal or at least feeling like i ain’t dying anymore/wanting to.
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