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About to make it to 4 months.


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Where to begin, well to state the obvious healing does happen even if it feels like it doesn’t it surprisingly does and it isn’t that linear either. 1 and a half weeks ago I was at the ER in panic feeling shortness of breath must of been a panic attack cause the doctors said all my test came out positive, even my X-ray. Things definitely improved, muscle jerks significantly diminished, anxiety I would say is at like a 4-5/10, first 2 months I was scared to go outside and was dizzy 24/7 now I took on a new healthy hobby walking, and even when I heal I’m going to continue this hobby for my health and well being. Waves are a real thing but now I came to the realization that acceptance is key, cause you can’t change the situation you were given and nothing will help this process besides time and patience. This experience definitely changes you as a person, it makes you so consciously aware of everything you do from eating to when you sleep so now I’m writing to say that I stopped smoking cigarettes as well just vaping currently but considering to stop that also. A normal sleep schedule is something I never had but now I want really bad so I’m setting a goal to be in bed at the same time and wake up at the same time to hopefully speed up the healing. Best of wishes to everyone going through this. God speed.
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Congratulations on 4 months!!

Things seemed to have turned around a lot in a week and a half. Attitude maybe¿ good for you!

Hope it gets better and better.

Funny how wd gets us on a path to healthy living. I know for me, I probably wouldn’t have ended up on sleeping pills had I cleaned up my diet and exercised a little harder. Hindsight

Do you feel better since  you stopped smoking? I’m tapering down, hoping to quit in a couple weeks. Fingers crossed


Good luck

xx Lil

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Still to soon to say for sure if I’m feeling better. I mean when I picked them up again my withdrawals started to come back so maybe they ramped up my symptoms, not entirely sure.
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Yup I feel you on that boredom and anxiety kept me smoking. But decided if it will speed up my healing might as well give it a try. I mean if it doesn’t speed it up at least it is helping my health regardless haha. Ugh new symptoms showing up, hypnogogia 😪 It really sucks, when does normal show up?
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Hopefully normal is soon!

Had to look up hypnogogia. Never heard that word but have had that symptom.

How long were you on Librium? How long to taper and what dose?


I will finish my taper by the end of April. Hallelujah

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I was only on it for 2 maybe 2 and a half months started off with 25mg 3 times a day and tapered fairly fast on my own and jumped off it at maybe a high dose probably why I still am having symptoms. It’s fun, not really but just predicting what symptom is next is such a blast. I had surgery today so hopefully the antibiotics and pain meds don’t set off a bad reaction only time will tell on that one I guess. Tapered from 50 to 10mg in 17 days so big reduction but oh well to far in to go back and reinstate. Already going through hell might as well just ride it out now. Haha
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That is a fast taper! Hopefully the fact that you were not on for long, means symptoms won’t last long. It’s a crapshoot

I was only on ativan for a couple of weeks. I listened to mods from another site that told me to taper.

It’s been tough. Had to eventually CO to Valium. If I could go back, I’d have just stopped and gone cold turkey. Could not have been worse than my taper, which is now over 3 yrs in. But I will jump at .00 April 1.  :)

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