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Length of taper.... abnormally long?


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I've had to slow down my taper the further I go. It's to the point where I estimate that it will take me 1.5 more years to come off .17mg of klonopin. I cannot go any faster. It might possibly take even longer than that because of unexpected holds. Is this an unheard of amount of time?


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Not to me.  It took me almost 3 years to come off Clonazepam (valium crossover).  I was working and had to do some long holds.  It was brutal mentally and physically. 

But I'm starting to see the light.  I still have a ways to go.  I figure it may be a 4-year haul for me to get off them both.  Its so worth it.  I can say now that some of my worst benzo symptoms are fading.

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I've had to slow down my taper the further I go. It's to the point where I estimate that it will take me 1.5 more years to come off .17mg of klonopin. I cannot go any faster. It might possibly take even longer than that because of unexpected holds. Is this an unheard of amount of time?



Hello Avril14th, I'm having the same question. I'm on 0.125 mg of liquid klonopin. Liquid tapering at a rate of 0.005 mg every 3 days now. I've been adviced to increase the holding times the further I go, which would mean a taper of over 400 more days to jump free.


I've been having very loud tinnitus since I developed tolerance. I managed to so far to reduce my dosage at an average rate of 0.58% per day. However, as I approached 0.125 mg my T started to increase, which is scaring the hell out of me.


I'm in a dilemma for I'm very negative. Maybe you or someone else can help me. Questions that pop in my mind are the following:


Is this long taper really necessary? What If by prolonging this taper I'm causing long lasting harm. 400 more days of liquid taper equals tied to a place where I can make the suspension (need to be near my cylinder cup, my syringes, you get the idea). 400 more days of Tinnitus without knowing what's going to happen. What if I develop worse tolerance and it becomes a new problem?


So, all these questions are tormenting me and creating too much anxiety on top the already existing. Anyways, I'd like to know your input as well as other benzobbuddies'. Are you feeling better with your slower taper? Any input will be welcome. Also, just so you know, you're not alone. I'm also in a relatively low dose, and doing a very slow taper!



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Right there with ya. Trying to get below 0.25 Klon has been such a struggle. I finally made it to 0.20 and my gut is telling me to hold here for a while to try to get some better sleep and see if my symptoms let up slightly before starting to decrease again.


I feel like I will be going slower and slower as I proceed with my taper.

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For what it's worth...  The schedule/spreadsheet I've been tinkering with bases daily cuts on symptom severity.  A pic of the current rubric appears below.  Basically, you set some initial standard rate.  I think it's fine to start with a one-year taper for most folks.  Then you rate your symptoms each day (100 point system).  If the rate is too fast and symptoms get nasty, then the rubric has you slow down (or even hold).  If the rate is too slow and symptoms are minimal or non-existent, the rubric has you speed up.  The 1.5 x linear rate is about 3x faster than a first-order (Ashton) taper.  So a one year target might take 120 days or 3 years, depending on how you respond.



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Took me 5 years to get rid of all my meds, and I did not even do proper tapers because I did not know the Ashton protocol. Ativan was the worst, I had to hold dosages for months, until I could continue. Take the time you need!
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For what it's worth...  The schedule/spreadsheet I've been tinkering with bases daily cuts on symptom severity.  A pic of the current rubric appears below.  Basically, you set some initial standard rate.  I think it's fine to start with a one-year taper for most folks.  Then you rate your symptoms each day (100 point system).  If the rate is too fast and symptoms get nasty, then the rubric has you slow down (or even hold).  If the rate is too slow and symptoms are minimal or non-existent, the rubric has you speed up.  The 1.5 x linear rate is about 3x faster than a first-order (Ashton) taper.  So a one year target might take 120 days or 3 years, depending on how you respond.





Hello Badsocref,


Interesting Rubric and congratulations for your almost complete healing.


As you might remember, I've been tapering since August last 2020 from 0.25 mg of Clonazepam using the aqueous solution method suggested by Koko Lee. My symptoms are loud tinnitus and anxiety:




The plan consists of 9 phases, and it started reducing the equivalent of 0.5% per day (Phase 1). So far, I've been able to manage my symptoms by reducing every 7 days, holding 3, and once 20 reductions were made, hold for 5 days before transitioning to the next phase.


Everything has been going OK until recently. Upon reaching phase 5, the holding times were not cutting it anymore and my Tinnitus has gotten louder, and I'm starting to get scared.


I'm on phase 6, holding for 3 days for every 1% reduction, to have an average of around 0.40%.


The problem is that I feel the taper is will get too long and I'm afraid of developing excessive tolerance, being tied up to the kitchen, plus the uncertainty of not knowing if my tinnitus will ever go away after I stop taking the benzo.


So, my question is, what would be a reasonable percentage decrease, and how can I achieve it with the holding times.


I just don't want to postpone my taper any longer than I have to, but on the other hand, I don't want to risk developing devastating symptoms...I want to know what would be an equivalent to the previous taper speed in terms of hold and reduce (hopefully see if I can take things faster).


When my symptoms ramped up, the score went over 70. Before reaching the end of phase 5, my symptoms have been between 30 and 55.


Anyways, thank you for your input. Sorry if I ramble too much, but I'm anxious at this moment.


Thanks for your input.




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I plugged some of your numbers into my little spreadsheet.  Sounds like you're currently tapering at 0.33% per day (on average), and that you current dose is somewhere between 0.125 and 0.100.  So at the rate you're going and assuming 'average' symptoms (whatever that is), it might take over a year to get to a good jump point.  There's nothing wrong with that.  The 1% cuts you're making are nice and small.  Take the time you need between each of these cuts.  I think it's pretty likely that you'll need to wait more than three days between cuts as you continue your taper.  That's exactly how these tapers are supposed to go.  You might very well wait a week between cuts as you get into phases 8 and 9.  Again, that's perfectly fine.


I wouldn't change a thing.  I think it's a good plan.  Just be sure to not worry about how long it takes between cuts.  Don't push yourself harder than you're able to deal with. 

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I am tapering extremely slowly. I have severe muscle tightness that exacerbated my underlying condition. I’ve only tapered 5% in the last 3.5 months. I try to not look too far ahead, take it day by day. I hear ya in terms of tolerance and wanting off ASAP. I am housebound.

I don’t have anything to add as I’m feeling my way through. But wishing you well with taper.

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I plugged some of your numbers into my little spreadsheet.  Sounds like you're currently tapering at 0.33% per day (on average), and that you current dose is somewhere between 0.125 and 0.100.  So at the rate you're going and assuming 'average' symptoms (whatever that is), it might take over a year to get to a good jump point.  There's nothing wrong with that.  The 1% cuts you're making are nice and small.  Take the time you need between each of these cuts.  I think it's pretty likely that you'll need to wait more than three days between cuts as you continue your taper.  That's exactly how these tapers are supposed to go.  You might very well wait a week between cuts as you get into phases 8 and 9.  Again, that's perfectly fine.


I wouldn't change a thing.  I think it's a good plan.  Just be sure to not worry about how long it takes between cuts.  Don't push yourself harder than you're able to deal with.


You are correct Badsocref, I'm going from 0.125 mg to 0.100 in this phase. My loud T is starting to stabilize (become lower).


Thank you so much for the reassurance. It helps me a lot. Yes, as I move forward to the final phases, I will probably hold for a week or so. In any case, I will post any changes in the taper in the forum as it might be useful to others.


For now, the plan for this phase 6 is to hold 3 days, and reduce 1 day, until I reach 0.100 mg.


I'll keep you posted :thumbsup:


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I believe that you all are my people. 😂

I’m at 0.22mg K - and at my current rate it will take 4 years. I am starting to do a sloooow daily taper recommended by badsocref on daily taper board.


This is brutal. I don’t know how to keep doing this for that much longer.


More than willing to chat about it.



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Remember that with every reduction regardless of how much, you are one step closer.  You are moving in the right direction, it's the only way out so don't be discouraged.  Your in great company and will have the support of others here.  Best of luck..
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I did a 8 month taper after long term xanax use, I'm glad I got it over with in 8 months as I was really thinking about doing a very long taper. I am 26 months off now and almost healed. Just hang in there
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Well, I started in September of 2018 from 1 mg of lorazepam, and with a few long holds it has taken me over two years to get down to .25 mg, and I expect it will still take me at least another year at this rate to finish -- but I am a lot closer than I would have been if I hadn't started.  I didn't suffer very much for the first .25 reduction, suffered moderately for the second .25 reduction, and have been in hell since then -- but I have gotten down to a quarter of my original dose. 


I know many wiser buddies have said on here that it takes as long as it takes.  At least we are all moving in the right direction. 



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Dianedeedee, thank you! I still expect to be on this journey for another year at least, but I know I have come a long way.


Seasalt, yes! positive energy to all of us.  We all are heroes, in our own way.



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  hello.  i think the slower you go the better chance you have to do this successfully.  im also going super slow, but i know i am healing in the process.  my family actually said, "you never been better".  after a too fast taper landed me in the hospital after a horrid 4 months, i reinstated and started again much slower.  i honestly dont have any of the insane sypmtoms from the first try.  yes i would like to be done sooner, but this way my brain is healing at each lower dose and my life is  pretty much uneffected by the tapper.  yes i still feel some anxiety at times during the day, but nothing that deep breathing and meditation cant handle.  i personal think slow and at a pace that is not intrusive on your life is the way to go.  not a docter, just my personal experience.  wishing you all the best.  jill


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