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Pregnant - lorazepam WD - please help


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Hello friends, 


I’ve been taking 1mg lorazepam 1x/day for 5 years. Prescribed for General Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder. Found out on 1/11 that I am pregnant. I took only .5 on 1/12, 1/13, and 1/14. I then set up a zoom with my primary care physician (who is the prescriber). She told me to “just stop now”. And insisted I would be “fine”. I took her word and stopped. I was ok until 1/17 and then took .5 because of a panic attack. I have not taken any since 1/17. I feel like I have been hit by a truck and then some.


I am now 6 weeks pregnant (3 years in the making and really want this to work) and I am stuck in a constant state of sheer terror. I am already considered high risk (pregnancy) due to my age (over 35). I am so uncomfortable and terrified. I have an in person appt on 1/25 with the prescriber and my first OB with scan on 2/5.


Hoping to find support in the meantime and probably beyond. And maybe someone just to tell me I’m not going to die. My husband is trying to be helpful but I am a beast right now.


Symptoms are:


Night sweats

High blood pressure


Mental fog

Heightened anxiety






Many symptoms overlap with pregnancy making things even worse as I don’t know what is what, which only heightens the anxiety!






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Hello Ero8, welcome to BenzoBuddies,


A big congrats on your long-awaited pregnancy!  I am so sorry to hear you are having withdrawl symptoms.  I am sure this is robbing you of some of the joy you would otherwise be feeling.


No, you are not going to die but it surely can feel like it.  The symptoms you have listed are pretty classic for benzo withdrawl.  This link will take you to The Ashton Manual.  Chapter III has a good explanation of withdrawl symptoms:


The Ashton Manual


If you have any concerns at all, please do not wait until 2/5 to contact your OB doc.  And of course, you can post here for support.


Best and again, welcome,



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Hi Ero


Congrats on the pregnancy!  A very big motivator to stay off the benzos and get through this.  And you will.  I know you feel just terrible now.  I hope you can mostly just rest and your husband can be supportive as you do.


Anxiety:  Look up 4,7,8 breathing.  It helps.  I promise.  You have to do it every day, though.  More than once. 

Insomnia:  Try epsom salt baths.  Have routines.  Sleep in the dark, use white noise.  Chamomile tea.

Purchase a weighted blanket.  It helps a lot to take down anxiety and for sleep.

Keep a journal of future plans for the baby.  Plan the nursery.  Make name lists.  Positive distractions help a lot.


These symptoms will pass and you will feel better.


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Thank you, Healing 64!


The same day I stopped the lorazepam, I was sent home from work due to being notified of a covid exposure the day before. So until today, I had been home in quarantine. I tested negative yesterday and returned to work today. I think I just thought I was doing well because I was home and safe and had established a routine self care plan; once I returned to work this morning it all hit me like a ton of bricks! This will be another adjustment period.


I have done many of your suggested ideas, which makes me feel like I'm on the right track! I can't have the chamomile - not considered safe for pregnancy - which is tough because a "Calming Tea" was always my go to before I started the prescription! I appreciate you taking the time to thoughtfully reply. My current distraction is "The Golden Girls". 


Looking forward to better days ahead.

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Hi Ero


Congrats on the pregnancy!  A very big motivator to stay off the benzos and get through this.  And you will.  I know you feel just terrible now.  I hope you can mostly just rest and your husband can be supportive as you do.


Anxiety:  Look up 4,7,8 breathing.  It helps.  I promise.  You have to do it every day, though.  More than once. 

Insomnia:  Try epsom salt baths.  Have routines.  Sleep in the dark, use white noise.  Chamomile tea.

Purchase a weighted blanket.  It helps a lot to take down anxiety and for sleep.

Keep a journal of future plans for the baby.  Plan the nursery.  Make name lists.  Positive distractions help a lot.


These symptoms will pass and you will feel better.


She’s already getting magnesium from her prenatals. Too much magnesium isn’t good for the baby!  Just because it worked for you doesn’t mean it’s going to work for everyone. Especially when you weren’t pregnant, you are possibly endangering the life of an unborn child. Pregnancy actually increases gaba in the brain naturally. I think she will be fine if she can just push through a little bit longer. Because of the increase in gaba it helps desensitize the CNS. That’s why patients with POTS feel better during pregnancy.

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Hanging in there! Still experiencing these:


Insomnia - cannot stay asleep for more than 1-2 hours at a time (could also be pregnancy related)

Night sweats - DRENCHED - have to change clothes twice every night (could also be pregnancy related)

High blood pressure - worse at night (could also be pregnancy related)

Twitching - while resting / falling asleep (this was very scary at first but it is calming down)

Irritability - I think this might just be my true baseline


Anticipating anxiety throughout the pregnancy and searching for natural remedies that are not harmful. Suggestions welcome!


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Congratulations on your pregnancy.  It is a blessing.  Make sure you research natural products too, because some can also act negatively during pregnancy?  While I'm not pregnant, I am weaning off lorazepam as well, and as you were experiencing, I could not sleep either, the first night my legs were so restless,  I could not stand the bed covers against me.  That is getting better, I am starting to sleep longer.  I won't comment more, because with pregnancy, you have different hormones in action now, so I'm not in the same place to give advice but I really wish the best of health for both you and your future child. 
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Hanging in there! Still experiencing these:


Insomnia - cannot stay asleep for more than 1-2 hours at a time (could also be pregnancy related)

Night sweats - DRENCHED - have to change clothes twice every night (could also be pregnancy related)

High blood pressure - worse at night (could also be pregnancy related)

Twitching - while resting / falling asleep (this was very scary at first but it is calming down)

Irritability - I think this might just be my true baseline


Anticipating anxiety throughout the pregnancy and searching for natural remedies that are not harmful. Suggestions welcome!



Ero, you will indeed have a difficult time telling what is related to pregnancy and what is withdrawl.  As for me, I had aged a lot by the time I got off benzos so I had trouble telling what might have be age-related versus withdrawl.  I honestly feel the not knowing what is what has been to my benefit because it has helped keep me from beating up on myself for staying on benzos for so long!!


Thank you for updating us.  You no doubt don't feel like it but you are doing great!!


Kate  :thumbsup:

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Just checking in. Still struggling. Feeling much worse, if that’s even possible. Still have not slept more than 2-3 hrs a night over the course of the past 10 days and my work has been severely impacted by my anxiety and lack of sleep. I saw my primary care doctor (the prescriber) on Monday and she insisted “there is no such thing as benzo withdrawal”. Now I just feel like a crazy person. I am nearly convinced that my ultrasound on 2/5 is going to show sad news.


Feeling down (when I’m not feeling crazy up!).




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Hi Ero


You are not crazy.  You are withdrawing.  Most doctors know there is such a thing as benzo withdrawal.  My doctor validated this the entire time I was tapering.  The emergency room doctor validated it, too.  My previous doctor years ago for a previous taper validated it.  My naturopath validated it.  I think your ultrasound will be fine.  Anxiety is a withdrawal symptom.  Most of us imagine something worse is going on than ever turns up on medical exams, and realize this is withdrawal.  Feeling down, what can you do to lift your mood?  Can you make a list of ideas? 

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Congrats on your pregnancy!

your symptoms are classic to Benzo WD. Most doctors don't recognize the harm benzo meds do. Don't pay attention to that and carry on... You are not crazy. It really is happening to you. And you will not go crazy either ..your mind is sound...it's your nervous system that's in shock and needs time to find balance.

You will get through this and probably will enjoy life way more than ever before!

Distraction helps to get through symptoms. move a muscle - change a thought. keeping diary,watching tv, breathing to slow your heart beat, meditation, gardening, painting...create your own list of what to do when you need to keep yourself occupied and distract from the symptoms.

Wishing you a fast recovery!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi friends,


I just wanted to let everyone know that I had a miscarriage (8 wks). I am so grateful for the support everyone provided during one of the strangest and most difficult periods of my life. My WD symptoms have really decreased, and I’m doing so much better, though I still suffer from significantly heightened anxiety. I know it may seem like one post with a few replies is insignificant, but it meant the world to me and I will never forget it. Thank you.


You all are a blessing.




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Oh dear Ero8, I am so sorry to hear about your loss!  I had a miscarriage years ago but I recall how difficult and emotional it was like it was yesterday.


I am so glad to hear your withdrawl symptoms have diminished.  Thank you for checking in with us, very kind of you.


Best and hugs to you,


Kate  :smitten:

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