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Benzo Warriors: Lesson of the day to help you if you are in protracted withdrawl and dont know how long its gonna take to heal




Remember this phrase


This is your goal, this is your life for the next year+ and beyond, win. the. day.


Unfortunately no one is coming to rescue you and no one can do it for you.


But hope is not lost...it just is not neccessary for Benzo warriors like us. 


You see hope implies you have no control over this situation.  And at this point it sure feels like that


I get it.  Trust me I get it.  I cant speak with this much confidence if I didnt personally go through this storm myself as well


How did you do it?  What do I need to do? Etc, etc, etc


Doesnt matter.


You know the answer already.


You already googled it...


I know I did that same for dayzzzz and dayzzz and dayzzz


Nobody understands what I am going through...


How can this happen to me...



Etc, etc, etc.  Its all bullshit lies in your head


This situation may not have been your fault but it sure is 100% your responsibility to find youre way out


Your life depends on it.  WIN. THE. DAY.




Edit: profanity

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