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5 months off


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Hi buddies,

  The fifth month was no walk in the park, but I made it! I’m seeing many more waves than windows right now, but I take comfort in knowing that every day off of these meds is a day closer to healing. I appreciate your support and encouragement!




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Congratulations 🎊🎈🎉. May your positivity in this journey keep pushing you further to a full recovery!  You have my sympathies as well. I was only on gabapentin for 23 days and the withdrawal is BRUTAL!  I think that medication is the devil in pill form but some people do well on it and have little to no withdrawals from it.
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Hi maccaz, I want to tell you the positive first. My windows were fully ME in month 5. I wasn’t almost-me, but I was 100% fully myself. Zero symptoms..well, a slight burning mouth that was more annoying than painful..


The downside was that my waves were rough. It wasn’t just the contrast between feeling so good and feeling so bad, and it wasn’t the mental defeat of going back into a wave after a window. It was all of my symptoms ramped up to a level I just hadn’t previously experienced. Anxiety was high, cortisol surges (not a usual symptom for me) were constant during the day, I became very despondent (thick depression is also uncharacteristic of my wd), constant fatigue, and my tinnitus became unrelenting and very high pitched. In the worst wave, my mouth burning went off the charts for 8 days straight. 🔥


My diet remained clean through the holidays, no new meds or anything, and my stress was very low. I did have a reaction to some rubber basketballs my kids got for Christmas, and that seemed to start some of the worst of this. I don’t think it was the definitive culprit though. I also lost the valuable distraction of our daily routine while the kids were off of school, and I think that played a part. I am relieved to say that I’ve had two days of milder symptoms and they went back today! My prayer is that the big wave is on the way out.


Even with these symptoms, month 5 brought increased mental clarity, moments of pure joy, and an ever growing gratitude for the support system that’s emerged in this process.



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