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Re: Crossover chart 3 mgs xanax 3 times daily to valium 60 mgs/ Ashtons protocol


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I am in a similar situation. After being on a Range of benzos  for about 6 mth from 2 min Klonopin to now 8 mg Xanax - my dr, who is supposedly and addiction specialist wants me to start my taper at 30 mg of Valium. Isn’t that very low??? He says based on some conversation charts it’s accurate. I thought the accurate conversion would by 80 mg Valium. And I work and that is so sedating I would never be able to function. Any thoughts on his conversion? My thoughts were to taper the xanax down 10% every week of two, depending which my body tolerates then when I get to a

Lower mg switch to Valium. For me the Xanax is not sedating. I function fine. I still want to get off I just don’t know how to do it with the accurate Valium equivalent, because for me, based on previous detoxes it is so sedating i can barely function. And I’m in sales- I need to be able to function. Has anyone successfully detoxed with Xanax?  Any thoughts on my drs conversation?

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According to the charts we use, your dose of Valium should be around 160 mgs of Valium.  https://www.benzo.org.uk/bzequiv.htm


Many have been able to taper Xanax all the way to zero so this is definitely an option as well.  Your taper plans sounds reasonable, will your Dr supply the Xanax so you can do this?


I'd do a search on the Alternative Therapies & Supplements board or start a thread asking about vitamins, some members say they help, even more say they don't.  Whatever you do, only add one at at time so you'll know what is causing what if you run into trouble.

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Here’s some more info from your intro thread:


For more info- I was on Klonopin 2mg for a few mths, then had a very stressful situation and started Xanax and somehow got up to 8 mg with out even realizing it. I think the 8mg has only 2 weeks,

Before that it was 6mg Klonopin and Xanax combined. Please let me know what you think. Thank you.



A little more info.  How much K, how much X?  Will you need to start at 8mg or can you start lower and still function?


I doubt you’ll get a doc to cross you to 160 mg of Valium. Besides, you’ll likely be plagued with more sedation, at least until you got used to it. Sedation and depression are hallmarks of Valium.


I dry cut Xanax all the way off.  Four equal doses a day.  It’s doable.  I’m not a fan of crossing to Valium unless one fails at a reasonable taper of the original benzo.  I believe that was Ashton’s philosophy, too.

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