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Need help tapering Oxazepam.... titration?


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Is there someone who can walk me through alcohol based titration?  For idiots.  Seriously.  I am really mentally slow right now, my body and brain feel scrambled.  I watched a video and it gave the gist, but actually doing it seems overwhelming.


If I buy vodka - does it have to be 80%?

Do I need a mortar and pestle?


With a computer,  how would I calculate a 10% cut when it's time?  Or maybe I can get a syringe from the pharmacist that measures your dose - like when you give your pet a medication from the vet?


Do I need a jeweler's scale?  If so how much are they approx. and where do I order?

Amazon does not ship to our islands.


I have tried using a compounding pharmacy before and it was terrible.  Is there a way to source out a really good one?

Would a compounding pharmacy understand how to calculate a 10% dose reduction?  Instead of just dropping a milligram a time?


I know I sound on the up and up - but I can't retain much of what I am reading... I've got the spins.

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- Use 80 proof vodka (it contains 40% alcohol)

- You don't have to have a mortar/pestle.  Anything that will crush your pill will suffice

- To compute a 10% cuts, simply multiply your current dose times 0.90

- If you do a liquid taper, you won't need a scale


Making the solution is not much different than sautéing a little garlic for a hearty soup.  You will take a pill, crush it up and add 4-5 ml of vodka.  Mix it around occasionally for 5-10 minutes, then add some water.  A fair number of people make it up to 100 ml, so let's go with that for now.  Mix well, and it's ready to drink.  To taper 10%, you'd simply remove 10% (10 ml) from the 100 ml and drink the remaining 90 ml.  For the next cut you'd remove 10% from 90 ml (your current dose).  So you'd remove another 9 ml (a total of 19 ml removed from the 100 ml) and drink 81 ml.


A lot of people remove a small amount (e.g. 1 ml) each day instead of removing 10% every week or two.  We call that a daily micro-taper.


Switching to a liquid formulation may reduce the availability of medicine by a small amount (especially if you let the pill dissolve in your mouth).  You may need to increase your dose by a small amount (5-20%) to realize the same amount of medicine in your bloodstream.


Hope this helps.  Feel free to bug me for more info if you need it.

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It has been pointed out that oxazepam has a lower solubility in alcohol than most benzos.  So it might be appropriate to use 4-5 ml of Everclear (95% alcohol) instead of vodka.
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Thank you so much for this.  of course.....  mix the dose and then take off .90


We have a very limited liquor store here.  I will ask for the Everclear.


So do I use a plastic syringe or dropper to measure with?  And can you buy these in a drug store? 


I'm hoping after I've done it a few times, it will make sense.


Is the Oxazepam stable...  say if I make enough for a week at a time?  My pharmacist could find this out I imagine.


Thanks again  :smitten: 

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I don't know how long it will be stable.  Might be best to just make it as you need it.


You can use a plastic syringe or eye dropper to remove liquid.  It should be fairly easy to find one with graduation marks on it.  Alternatively, you could use something like a 100 ml graduated cylinder.  Very easy to add water to the mark, mix, then remove a specific amount of liquid.


One of our science-wise folks pointed out that Oxazepam usually comes in capsules and that you could do a dry taper by weighing out the powder inside the capsule.  You'd need a milligram scale ($22 from Amazon), but it might be easier in the long run than doing this via liquid.  Obviously, up to you if you want to do this via liquid or solid.

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Thanks so much.  Yes I would rather do the dry.  Then 10mg pills  (hard) are very small - the only ones I can get in Canada..... I can eyeball them with a pill cutter box, but my concern is that the active metabolite in the crumbs and powder, is not uniformly distributed.  There's no way to know really. 


Am I in a terrible wave or am I just getting crumbs of powder without the drug?

Its so hard to believe that something so small would - so tiny - could have such a powerful grip on our health and sanity.


I will talk with the pharmacist (make an appointment to speak out on the curb) to see what measuring devices she has.


Still holding at 10mg.

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