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Fighting to get from Klonopin to Valium


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2 weeks ago I went from 1mg of K to 20 mg of V.  2 Days later it was a disaster.  From much research and advice on this forum I took 0.5mg of K in the AM and 10 mg of V at night.  I am trying to make the crossover gradually.  For 2 weeks now I have been at 0.5mg ok K in the AM and 10mg of V at night.  I have some good days but some are a disaster yet.  3 days ago I had to take a rescue 0.5 mg of K dose.  There was really no way around it.  From more research I am finding it may take up to 4 weeks to get a stable V blood concentrations.  My doctor is great and letting me man the ship here but does not understand the exact science behind this tricky crossover.  I obviously need to get stabilized on V in order to even attempt my journey to get off of these garbage drugs that took 18 years of my life away already.  Does anyone have any advice on this crossover.  I was wondering if I should stay at 0.5mh of K and 10 mg of V a day for awhile yet and be patient.  I also am very aware that everyone's body handles these medications and the crossover differently.
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I wish I knew the answer to your question, but you're right in saying you need to stabilize before attempting your taper.  Have you talked to the folks on the  Valium Support Group thread, they have the experience you need right now.
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