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Feeling sleepy but not enough to fall asleep


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Does anyone have these feelings of sleepiness but it isnt as strong so it doesnt allow you to actually fall asleep. I can feel it coming from my thyroid area almost like its trying to pump out the hormones but it isnt able to fully. I m super sesntivie and can feel when my adrenals or thyroid are not functioning properly. Im wondering if anyone has these specific sensations as well. I would like to get my thryoid checked out but it was checked out a couple of months ago when I didnt have these symptoms yet and I wasnt in this severe tolerence and also this started with the change of my generic brand of medication. I used to be able to doze off anytime I listened to anything relaxaing anytime of the day. My brain has been wired to be able to fall asleep that way for so long but now it doesnt work. I cant even doze off for a moment. 
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Things won't even out until you are completely off all Benzos


If you want to know why this is happening, it has to do with your down regulated GABA and the lack of balance with Glutamate.  Both are nervous system receptors.  GABA is your body's "brake pedal" or what slows things down and makes you calm and relaxed.  Glutamate is your body's "gas pedal" or what makes you active and alert or even fight or flight.  Normally the two are in a "balancing act" so one doesn't overtake the other.  But when your GABA is temporarily taken off line by the Benzo, Glutamate rules the day and night.  That's why you might feel wired all the time, have racing thoughts and are never sleepy.  It takes some time for your body to repair the temporary damage.  No one knows how long that will be.  But your body knows exactly how to repair the damage and put your GABA and Glutamate back into balance.  However, it is a very nonlinear process...UP and DOWN, one step forward, 2 steps back for some time for most.


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