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Waves mean Healing?????


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I've been having waves back to back since the past weekend. I just made 3 months post jump from Ambien. It's like every time I hit a milestone, I get a HUGE wave. Like I'm going to have a seizure or a stroke. VERY SCARY! Anyway, I went to bed last night in a medium wave and I was wondering if the waves mean I'm healing when they occur? Does the severity equal the amount of healing? Big wave = healed more than a smaller wave?

Please share your thoughts or any info you have....Thanks

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Yes sometimes that's the case from what I've read from other buddies.  In my personal experience healing is very unpredictable.  No rhyme or reason. Sometimes waves intense. Sometimes mild. If you are off benzos you are making progress.  The healing happens in time in it's own pace wish there was a magic formula but I don't think so. You'll be fine one day in the future as we all will be. Hugs.
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Thx Linnie. That makes sense. So there's no way of telling if your having a huge healing happening or you were triggered to have one. Wow. That's amazing. Whether intense or mild it's still healing. I guess that's all that matters. I'm hopeful to make a full recovery. Thanks for taking time to answer my question


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