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Daily Liquid Micro Taper and Still Having insomnia?


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I’m cutting .003 Xanax every other day and still having 3-4 days on total insomnia, I’m not sure if it’s the taper rate or just the drug in general causing havoc, I’m sticking with a rate of 5% cumulative and would hate to slow down if that’s not the issue, my only symptom is just brutal stretches  of insomnia. Not sure if anyone can shed any light on it, options are go slower and stick with it and hope for windows....
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I've moved your thread to the titration board, hopefully someone can look at your taper rate and provide feedback. 


I'm sorry to hear about your insomnia, its a huge part of withdrawal but even with using DLMT most members will experience symptoms, there doesn't seem to be a way to get out of this without discomfort. 

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I’m cutting .003 Xanax every other day and still having 3-4 days on total insomnia, I’m not sure if it’s the taper rate or just the drug in general causing havoc, I’m sticking with a rate of 5% cumulative and would hate to slow down if that’s not the issue, my only symptom is just brutal stretches  of insomnia. Not sure if anyone can shed any light on it, options are go slower and stick with it and hope for windows....


It just seems to be part of the game for most people. There are physiological reasons to explain it, but it doesn't really matter. We just each need to deal with our own sx the best we can. I'm an extreme case, but I've been doing a mega slow taper for years due to my sensitivity, and insomnia is still by far my biggest issue. I just learned to accept it and move on. Originally I tried every supplement known to man to deal with sleep, but all in all that just made things worse. Less is often more, so now I try to have a regular routine at night, not eat or drink a few hours before bed, maybe laugh a little, then go to bed and try to relax and roll with the night. If misery hits, I get up for a bit and sometimes just walk around. Dwelling on the misery will only make things worse. So, maybe slow your taper down and see what happens. Maybe even a hold a short while and see. It's not a race. The goal isn't just to get to the finish line, but to get to the finish line healthy as possible. Heal faster than you taper. Forcing the situation usually means continued sx long after your last dose. You'll get there!

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