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I thought an old man who was painting the outside of his garden fence was giving way to me as I walked past him on the path, because of coronavirus. It seemed like total overkill but this sort of thing does happen and I just go with whatever the other person thinks, especially if it's someone old or vulnerable. So I quicked my step, moved slightly to the other side of the path and said "thanks a lot" as I passed. It's only when I turned my head back that I saw the paintbrush in his hand. He never said a word and had a puzzled look on his face. I laughed when I saw the paintbrush and carried on. I think he thought I was crazy!


I think you had to be there but maybe someone can visualise it.

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Diaz, that's too funny! Maybe you should go apologize. Or go tell him what a great job he did on his fence. I'm sure he does think you're nuts. Yes I pictured his face when you said that.  :laugh:


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An old couple goes to the doctor for a checkup. The doctor listens to the old man's chest, checks his reflexes and looks in his ear. He tells him " I'll need a blood, stool and urine sample". But the old man just keeps saying "what? Huh?!". So his wife says " Doctor, he's hard of hearing. Let me tell him for you." She leans down to his ear and yells..." Honey, take off your underwear and give them to the doctor!"
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