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Any Adverse Reactions to Melatonin?


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The lack of sleep has become unbearable which is making my physical pain worse.  I just ordered Melatonin drops.  Has anyone had adverse reactions? 
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I tried melatonin, but it didn't help me.  Didn't do anything bad either.  I think melatonin's more subtle.  Benzos are more sludge hammer.


Have you tried any other OTC sleep meds?  Benadryl?  Unisom?  Those helped me a little.

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They do help me , I started last December out of desperation . I never had sleep issues prior to benzo usage .

I continue to do all the sleep hygiene things then I take 1mg under the tongue then another .5 mg 30 min later. I had really severe POTS after last dose so I took it as people with dysautonomia are suggested to . It helps alot but is still hit and miss with this kind o insomnia . take it no later than 8-8 30 and be ready to lay down and relax . The drs suggest these huge doses but that does ot work nearly as well as teh smaller doses . I still have some nitemares sometimes but I have to sleep .

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Melatonin is a hormone that your body regularly makes


However, the body makes 300mcg or about 0.3mg per night


Most OTC forms are synthetic. 


Herbatonin is a plant based form that works for most and is not synthetic


The only way to know if it will work for you is to try it, but for more than one day...give it a week or so


Start with 0.3mg and then go up from there.  Too many people take way too much and then it can have a paradoxical effect and keep you awake?


Remember that melatonin only helps you FALL asleep.  It doesn't keep you sleeping.


Also, you've been off less than a month so it may not work?  Not much works early on after you jump CT short of an Rx drug.  I did a CT too and sleep was my worst issues, so I know this very well.


If you want to know why this is happening, it has to do with your down regulated GABA and the lack of balance with Glutamate.  Both are nervous system receptors.  GABA is your body's "brake pedal" or what slows things down and makes you calm and relaxed.  Glutamate is your body's "gas pedal" or what makes you active and alert or even fight or flight.  Normally the two are in a "balancing act" so one doesn't overtake the other.  But when your GABA is temporarily taken off line by the Benzo, Glutamate rules the day and night.  That's why you might feel wired all the time, or are never sleepy even after staying awake for days?  It takes some time for your body to repair the temporary damage.  No one knows how long that will be.  But your body knows exactly how to repair the damage and put your GABA and Glutamate back into balance.  However, it is a very nonlinear process...UP and DOWN, one step forward, 2 steps back for some time for most.


Hang in there.  Time is the healer.  I was right where you are now about 4 years ago.  I completely healed.




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I take 5mg tablets that dissolve under your tongue. They help me fall asleep and work quite well. I try not to use them every night but when I do it seems to work.
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