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I am benzo free since Sep 2018


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Hi, I found this forum in 2017 and it was a big support for my process. Thank you Benzobuddies.


I remember the confusion. I had weird symptoms that I could not explain, funny enough I did not know one of my prescribed medications was benzodiazepine (Dormonoct 2 mg), but soon enough I could realize that if I skip some doses I got sick, so I started researching. I started suffering in 2017 and made many mistakes. One of them was changing from the lower dose that I could cut off this small pill, to Ativan. I carried weaning off Ativan at the same rhythm I was cutting Dormonoct and I stopped it too soon. That made me very sick and I had a setback. I had to first gain balance again on a high dose to start weaning off again.


The waves are terrifying. You ask when it is all to finish. It took me 1.6 years to stop completely the pill. I had another 5 months with waves that were less and less strong with time. I feel good at the moment and know that I am finally out of this nightmare. I had insomnia, fatigue, trembling, lack of balance waking, GI issues, somedays my head spinned, I had hypersalivation at night (chewing mint helped me a lot) and anxiety.


I found a lot of guidance and support here. The mere fact that you are not alone helps a lot. I do not recommend cold turkey, benzos are dangerous. It takes time, but it will pass, you will heal. Take it easy, meditate, pray, try to have fun, avoid unnecessary stress, communicate with your friends/family, as they do not always understand what we are going through.  Many doctors do not believe us, but that is fine, report it in any case. Forgive them.


It is possible!!!  :thumbsup:







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Hello Journey123,


Thanks so much for writing your success story, as you can probably see there are still many people joining BenzoBuddies every day and they all need to read what you wrote, that its possible to recover from this nightmare.


I'm so happy for you and thank you again.



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Journey: thanks for posting - you know how much these stories mean to the members! So glad you are on the other side of it now. I love how you put "forgive them". I believe to fully heal, forgiveness is a part of it. I have to check with myself, that it is ok to be angry that this happened, but to never give in to feeling bitter towards the persons involved - and its sometimes a hard part of this.


May live fully in your new freedom!! :smitten:

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Thank you for sharing your story Journey, its so appreciated, I am so pleased you are doing well. 


I wish you the very best for the future.


Magrita :smitten:

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