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Sudden strange upper back pain?


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Hi again, everyone! Here i come again to ask about yet another symptom and searching for reassurance. Been having 2 days with a sudden upper back pain. I don't usually suffer this. Maybe once or twice a year and goes away within a few hours/days and most of the time it is for having had a strong physical activity or been sitting in a bad position for hours. ¿Could it be the benzo? ¿Should i go to a doctor? Thanks in advance!
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If you didn't have injury, it has to be the drug.


I'm 1 yr off. Used to have pains from lower back down, 3 months ago it spreaded to upper bidy, back, shoulder, neck and head.


Can't believe the suffering you are going through after such a short time use. Very heart broken

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I have extreme tightness, contracture through. whole back, neck, shoulders, abs, sides, jaw, head, face, legs.

As get lower again no position bearable.

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