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For a freind....


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Greets everyone.


I've been off benzos about a year now. I was only using .5 milligrams when I would get anxiety, but still had about 6 months of withdrawal symptoms. I am a success story. But this post isnt about me. My lifelong freind started taking benzos in the mid 90s on the advice of his doctor. He was on a huge dose of Klonopin daily up until about 2 years ago. He slowly tapered and then completely stopped 14 months ago. I've learned alot about Benzos and both of us know that was very dangerous what he did. I have been by his side (figurativly- I'm in TX, he is in CA) from the beginning and the first few months were horrible. Info fact he pretty much felt like crap up until about 10 months and he started getting windows occasionally but mostly waves. Things were starting to improve and then 2 months ago he got Corona Virus >:(

He made it thru that but he started noticing slight heart palpitations and from research he found that many CV survivors are having that. Last week he was doing much better but noticed that he is getting winded more than normal when working out so he has been taking it easy. The last few days have been difficult, he said the worst wave he has had since he quit Benzos. He also has been monitoring his blood pressure and its low from time to time and he gets a bit light headed.


My questions are, is the LBP something that comes with benzo withdrawal, because I noticed that too when I was withdrawing from Klono. Or is his LBP most likely from CV?


My other question is is it normal to have a bad wave so late in his recovery (14 months) I've I've alot of posts on here when I was in WD and I remember someone saying that their worst waves were toward the end of their recovery. 


Sorry, he is not a computer guy which is why I'm posting this for him.



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Hi Detrailers,


Its very nice of you to help your friend.  I've heard members talk about being hit by waves long after their last dose but really, I feel his problem right now is with COVID.  I've heard from others that even after recovering they have malaise, lethargy, fatigue.  It's been surmised that COVID is also causing neurological issues so I can see why he would wonder if this is a return of symptoms.


As for blood pressure, I've seen more high blood pressure from members than low, so I'm still thinking COVID for that.



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