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Buspar (Buspirone) - Yay or Nay?


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The psych nurse wouldn’t prescribe gabapentin. She said there’s too many side effects and a tough withdrawal.  Her idea is buspar.  I have extreme nausea every day.  Nothing has helped. She thinks anxiety is the culprit.  I say it’s tolerance and/or withdrawal.  It’s a standoff.


I’ve read mixed reviews.  People either love or it’s junk.


Yay or Nay?






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Hi Sept.


I started Buspar a couple of years ago before withdrawal and it was tremendously helpful with pre withdrawal anxiety.  But I really can't assess what effect it had on my WD. I was stricken with horrendous anxiety in the early months of WD in spite of taking Buspar.  My anxiety has steadily gotten better - now I'm 7 months out.  But I tend to think it's because I'm healing.


I understand some people don't respond well to Buspar.  I plan to stay on it for a while.


The thing I found most helpful with anxiety in the early months of WD was the beta blocker propranolol - it helped with the cortisol/adrenaline surges and palpitations - so in other words it helped with the physical symptoms of anxiety.  I took 20mg on an as needed basis (no more than 2xday).  I didn't take it regularly.  I would be careful about taking it regularly - it can be another med to taper off of and who needs that?  I very rarely need to take it now. Anyway, if this sounds like it would be helpful it may be worth discussing with your NP.


Take care,


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Sept, You dodged a bullet. You may not believe this but you have a great nurse. There are so many problems with gabapentin and believe it or not, a lot of people consider it harder to come off of gabpentin. Including myself. It was absolutely horrific when I came off of it, I nearly took my own life, but someone found me in time. Most docs, np etc wouldn't think twice of putting you on it because they don't know any better. So, yes, I think you are lucky with this nurse, about gabapentin anyway.




I started taking buspar  and I think it has helped with my anxiety. I still get some but it really has calmed down a lot. It's hard to know.


I have nausea every morning from wd. I don't know of anything that works on it.

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