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Extremely sensitive central nervous system!


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Severe exercise intolerance, after each exercise, I will be bedridden, extremely nervous can't sleep, feel very angry! And severe food allergies! It seems that anything that stimulates the nervous system hits me hard! I wonder if the hypersensitive nervous system is permanent? I can't take any medicine or supplements now! You can't even take cold medicine!
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Hi there,

I can’t exercise either and I have food sensitivities. I’ve decided to give it 3-6 months before I try taking a 20 minute walk again. The last time I tried I experienced severe twitching, skin burning, heart palpitations and insomnia. I hated it so much, so I’ll rather just wait. Even 10 mins of stretching gets me feeling a bit weird so I’m really taking is slow. What you are experiencing is normal... be patient.... it’s not permanent.. you will heal in time...

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Hi Jerry


I think if something doesn’t help, just stop.  Perhaps instead, very slow gentle stretches would feel better.  Or simple breathing exercises for relaxing 5 minutes a day. 


I can’t take cough medicine either.  I never could whether on or off benzos.  It ramps me up.  Same thing over the counter sleep aids.  They make all my nerves in my fingers and toes burns for hours.  This is even with no benzos having ever been in my life ever.  Debris norepinephrine makes my heart race and body sweat for hours. 


If you need a cough remedy, try hot water, lemon, honey.  I’ve taken a Chinese herbal cough syrup with great results. 



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