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Need help in getting off Xanax


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I am looking for advice.  At present am taking 0.5mg Xanax at breakfast and at dinner time. So 1.0mg per day.


Have been taking for about 20 years.  Most was 2 mg per day and have cut down to 1.0 per day a number of years ago.


Doctor gave me a sheet with very little thought put into it to get off this drug. Using this did not work just caused me to go manic. 


Looking at schedule on the site of cutting down from 4mg. per day. That is all there is on this site.


Having trouble putting together a withdrawal chart from 1.0mg per day and am having trouble putting together the numbers.


Would ask for help in developing a chart to gradually work off this dosage so I can present it to doctor who I am seeing in a week.


Guessing since I will have to go down in minuscule increments.  Will need to get Xanax and Valium in liquid form if available.  Xanax does not separate well past cutting in half.


So much appreciated,


Many thanks for caring. 




Edit: removed contact info


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