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Omeprazole side effects


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Has anyone here who took these drug got tingling/prickling burning sensations. I got this after only 4 days use and what bothers me most is the burning sensation on my arms. What could be causing this?. I didn't have these symptoms or any symptoms before the drug. Today is 5 days off and i still feel a burning sensation on my arms. They feel very sensitive to even air that blows on it.


Anyone else with a bad experience with this drug?.  I have a damaged and sensitive CNS could this be the cause or is it skin?. I don't know if this drug effects the CNS but it is known for casing skin problems.


I also feeling tingling/prickling that comes and goes.

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I have tingling and burning, especially now my arms. I take omeprzole for gerd caused by benzos. The GERD wa s discovered after I had counted for years and was misdiagnosed with athsma. The doctor told me omeprazole is ok to take long term, I take 40 mg am. However, I am going to make an appointment with the gastroenterologist for a followup. It has been two years now I have been taking it. I had an endoscopy and they found precancerous polyps. I would like to get off omeprozole, as the coughing I had with here is now gone. According to the medical literature that comes with the script, it because a host of side effects.
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That tingling burning you feel is from Omeprazole it depletes vitamins. I got this with only 4 days dose. I am almost 2 weeks off and still have it. I had a bad reaction and feel burning sensations of my arms, legs feet and tingling/prickling. I hope this goes away as i am off the drug. I can't take vitamins anymore because of acid reflux and i still feel my chest irritated/inflamed.


I wish i never took this drug, i was going to take Pepcid AC or Zantac but they took it off the market. I can't believe this happened right when i had gerd.

I also got gerd from benzos 12 years ago, i took a PPI for a few months or a year and weaned off it with Pepcid AC and never got gerd again. I got it again from a bad diet and swallowing herbal capsules at night without much water and it irritated my esophagus.

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I read in the instruction manual of Diazepam that Omeprazol should not be taken when taking Diazepam. It makes the Diazepam stay for longer in your body. The same goes for Esomeprazol.

I took Pantozol ( Pantoprazol)  this doesn't interfere with the way Diazepam works.

You should probably ask your pharmacy.  Doctors don't know.

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Has anyone here who took these drug got tingling/prickling burning sensations. I got this after only 4 days use and what bothers me most is the burning sensation on my arms. What could be causing this?. I didn't have these symptoms or any symptoms before the drug. Today is 5 days off and i still feel a burning sensation on my arms. They feel very sensitive to even air that blows on it.


Anyone else with a bad experience with this drug?.  I have a damaged and sensitive CNS could this be the cause or is it skin?. I don't know if this drug effects the CNS but it is known for casing skin problems.


I also feeling tingling/prickling that comes and goes.


Hi @Scooby99


Not too sure of your benzo history because you don’t have a signature. 


I’ve suffered from paresthesia (burning/tingling) in both my arms before, during and after my taper began.  I get occasional other patches here and there but nothing steady like my arms.


Is it possible you made a med dose adjustment and it may be a coincidence your symptoms arrived with starting omeprazole?  Of course it very well is a reaction to omeprazole as you suspect. Nothing surprises me anymore.


If it is omeprazole related, hopefully the symptoms will abate once you’re off of it for awhile longer.


I live in the USA and know Zantac (ranitidine) is off the market.  Pepcid (famotidine) is available both OTC and by prescription.  I had an Rx filled last week for 40mg famotidine so I’m positive it’s available here.  It didn’t agree with me so I’m not taking that dosage.  I am taking 10mg twice a day. It may be in short supply OTC because of the Zantac shortage.  I’m not sure.


I hope you feel better soon.




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SeptGirl The tingling in my arms and legs have almost gone it's been 2 weeks i been off but i have severe pain in my chest tingling/prickling, tightness/pressure which is either acid reflux or my esophagus is still irritated/inflamed.


I been suffering 5 days straight with pain in my chest, it so sore i did not take anything but Gaviscon and herbal teas, i dropped the 4 day Omeprazole due to intolerable side effects. I bought Pepcid AC i found only 1 box of 10mg and 1 of 20, these are also recalled. Zantac is recalled but i found a pharmacy brand of 150mg. I am scared to take these as well because of the bad experience with the Omeprazole.


I don't know what to do. I feel stuck, my chest is in agony, i dont know how to treat this because i am sensitive to drugs.


What are my options what should i do?.





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I just had endoscopy yesterday.  I have severe gastritis and esophagitis from bile reflux.  I’ve been nauseated every day for more than a year and a half.  Severe stomach pain started about three weeks ago.  The GI doc put me on Carafate suspension.  It’s supposed to coat the stomach and esophagus.  It’s not magic or a miracle drug.  In fact, it can cause all the symptoms I already have!  :-\


Damned if I do, damned if I don’t. The nausea and stomach pain are debilitating. Biopsies were taken and I’m fearful I’ll test positive for H Pylori and need to go on an antibiotic/PPI regimen.  That will kill me and also put me at risk for C-diff.  C-diff is no joke.  I had that about six years ago after an extended course of antibiotics for a bone infection.  Haven’t taken an antibiotic since.  Of course being in benzo withdrawal everything is catastrophic. 


Maybe your chest pressure is gas?  Have you tried just plain simethicone?  How about Maalox liquid?  Zantac and Pepcid aren’t PPIs.  Didn’t you take Pepcid before? 


Have you tried a moist heating pad across your chest?  That may soothe and comfort you. 


Maybe it’s time to investigate with some GI testing? I was told over and over from doctors to family and friends my symptoms were all anxiety.  Well, some things are but not everything.


Maybe your doc could recommend something to alleviate your symptoms?  I’ve lost faith in them but sometimes we have to rely of on some of their better judgement to help us out. 


I really hope you fund some relief! 




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SeptGirl The tingling in my arms and legs have almost gone it's been 2 weeks i been off but i have severe pain in my chest tingling/prickling, tightness/pressure which is either acid reflux or my esophagus is still irritated/inflamed.


I been suffering 5 days straight with pain in my chest, it so sore i did not take anything but Gaviscon and herbal teas, i dropped the 4 day Omeprazole due to intolerable side effects. I bought Pepcid AC i found only 1 box of 10mg and 1 of 20, these are also recalled. Zantac is recalled but i found a pharmacy brand of 150mg. I am scared to take these as well because of the bad experience with the Omeprazole.


I don't know what to do. I feel stuck, my chest is in agony, i dont know how to treat this because i am sensitive to drugs.


What are my options what should i do?.


I forgot to add....have you ever tried DGL?  It’s deglycyrrhizinated licorice. 




Many acid reflux treatments are available. Most doctors recommend over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Alternative therapies may also be able to ease your symptoms.


One such option is deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL). People believe that using this a few times per day will alleviate acid reflux symptoms.


Acid reflux occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) fails to close completely. The LES seals food, and acid that breaks down food, in the stomach. If the LES doesn’t close completely, the acid can travel back up the esophagus. This can cause a burning sensation.


DGL is a form of licorice that people have processed for safer consumption. They remove a substantial amount of a substance called glycyrrhizin. This makes DGL safer for long-term use and has less interactions with medical conditions or medications than licorice extract.




I’ve used it a lot.  It helps sometimes and I like the taste too!


Just another suggestion you may not have tried or heard of.




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SeptGirl yes i am currently taking it as a powder and chewable. I am also drinking a combo herbal tea (marshmallow root, chamomile, licorice root, calendula) 3x daily.  I also started taking 2tsp of slippery elm powder in a glass of water 2x daily. I read some good studies on Aloe Vera. Many swear they healed their gerd with this, i have some here but i am concerned about the additives inside like citric acid, potassium sorbate and carrageenan. Don't know if those would be bad for the esophagus.



I think my esophagus really got burnt, it feels so achy, the sensations are horrible. The Omerpazole at day 4 helped but the side effects were driving me crazy, tingling/pinching/burning arms and legs. I stopped now 2 weeks seemed to subside but off and on they still happen. Don't know if this is a skin problem or CNS problem.


If i can control the chest pain that would be great. I thank god i can sleep at night but when i wake up i am in discomfort and pain all day.

Tell me some more natural options of what you think may help and also i would like your opinion which would be safer an H2 blocker or PPI.


Thanks for helping me with this.




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I think you’ve covered all the natural alternatives!  Maybe you’re taking too many different things? 


I hear aloe is a great alternative.  I would say though if your symptoms aren’t getting any better, you may want to see a GI specialist and maybe have endoscopy.


Honestly, my anxiety is ridiculous and I managed to go yesterday.  It’s painless and a great diagnostic tool. 


You may need a prescription like Carafate to coat and heal your esophagus if you think you damaged (burned) it.  That’s serious stuff you don’t want ignore. 


Of course I’m not a doctor but since you’ve already had a bad reaction to a PPI but were previously on an H2, stick with what you know works sans side effects like you got with the PPI.


Our suffering is just ridiculous.  I feel for you Scooby!




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SeptGirl If my pain continues i will see a doctor soon. Endoscopy i fear i would rather have a barium x-ray. We know i had gerd i am inflamed, if i had a hiatal hernia the treatment is all the same PPI's. Cancer i highly doubt it.



You did an endoscopy yesterday?. Were you sedated or awake?. My god that tube in the throat is scary. Yes i heard of carafate i think i took this 12-13 years ago when i also had gerd. DGL licorice is the natural alternative. But Carafare is effective in severe cases.


I was not taking an H2 i went straight from gaviscon to a PPI. I was going to try an H2 but they were all recalled and no stores had them. Can you believe i had this problem right when they took Zantac and Pepcid off the shelves?. Bad luck. Even Maalox is off the shelf. This doesn't give people options. What's left that is strong and effective are PPI's but those have serious side effects.


H2's have been recalled since September. Hopefully they will come back soon.


I was doing so well 7 years off the drugs, comfortable no pain, no anxiety i thought i was well then bad habits caught up to me and had a gerd attack that came sudden and unexpected. I had the knowledge to prevent this but i don't know why it never came into my head. Now i feel destroyed.






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I think endoscopy is the better choice than barium.  There’s no opportunity for biopsy with barium.  Biopsies are very definitive for proper treatment.  If I had barium, it never would have picked up my tummy is full of bile instead of acid reflux.  They’re treated differently though at some point in the near future I’m going to go on a PPI for a short time.


I was on omeprazole a few years ago after I wrecked my guts with ibuprofen.  It had unpleasant side effects but I persevered until I healed.  I weaned off of that and didn’t have trouble again until benzos started to affect every part of my health...physically and mentally.


Yesterday I was sedated with propofol for endoscopy.  It’s very quick acting and short lived.  I was awake and out of the hospital in less than an hour after the procedure.  Quick and painless!!  You never see or know the endoscope was in your throat.  Honestly...it’s a simple process.  I’ve been using DGL but bile vs. acid is a beast!  My gallbladder was removed more than 25 years ago...I was full of gallstones.  I don’t know why I’m having bile issue now but it’s severe.  My stomach and esophagus are toast! Severe inflammation.  Awaiting biopsies so I’m hoping for the best!


Oh, sorry. I thought you were in Pepcid before.  I would definitely choose H2 over PPI.  If Maalox is off the shelf it must be supply and demand.  There are store brands.  I generally buy them. There’s no recall on those type of products.  Amazon has a treasure trove of options.  Zantac/ranitidine is the only H2 recalled.  Again, finding alternatives is probably supply and demand. 


You’re not destroyed.  You’ll find the right combination and feel better soon.  It’s been long enough you’ve been suffering. Maybe you should consider a GI specialist?


I really hope you find relief soon!!




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SeptGirl I'll see a doctor Monday morning. I'll get a referral to a gastro doctor. If i were to do an endoscopy it would be awake because i am sensitive to anesthesia. Actress Joan Rivers died from an endoscopy with anesthesia.


How long did you take Omeprazole and are you going on it again?. You also have GERD?. I feel right in my chest sensory pain like prickling/tingling aching, pressure and all sorts of symptoms. It's very uncomfortable. I waited a month do you think i waited too long?. I don't feel acid but it feels painful and irritated.


What Gastro doctors do is if they suspect one has gerd they start them on a 2 week trial of PPI's. If it works then the diagnosis is confirmed. If they still feel symptoms then an endoscopy is done to look for other causes.






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SeptGirl I'll see a doctor Monday morning. I'll get a referral to a gastro doctor. If i were to do an endoscopy it would be awake because i am sensitive to anesthesia. Actress Joan Rivers died from an endoscopy with anesthesia.


How long did you take Omeprazole and are you going on it again?. You also have GERD?. I feel right in my chest sensory pain like prickling/tingling aching, pressure and all sorts of symptoms. It's very uncomfortable. I waited a month do you think i waited too long?. I don't feel acid but it feels painful and irritated.


What Gastro doctors do is if they suspect one has gerd they start them on a 2 week trial of PPI's. If it works then the diagnosis is confirmed. If they still feel symptoms then an endoscopy is done to look for other causes.




Joan Rivers didn’t die from endoscopy and anesthesia.  She died because she had inept doctors.  She had a couple of different procedures done that day.  Two throat exams plus endoscopy.  Her vitals weren’t been monitored properly either.  Add to the fact she was 81 years old and it made a recipe for disaster.  I loved Joan Rivers but wouldn’t let her poor medical care get in the way of my own.


I took omeprazole for at least a couple of years.  I think I just got to the point where I didn’t want to taper off of it so I just stayed on it.  I really never felt great while on it so I finally bit the bullet and tapered.  It took awhile but it wasn’t too bad.  Maybe another PPI other omeprazole would be better for you? 


I just talked to my GI doc this morning.  I’ve been taking Pepcid 10mg twice a day and now the added Carafate.  I have an Rx 40mg but that was way too much.  I actually had an anxiety/panic attack after one dose.  That was it for me.  Lower dose is okay.  I knew I was just diagnosed with gastritis and esophagitis, but he told me this morning I also have several small “erosions”, aka ulcers.  I didn’t want to hear that!!


I’m not sure you can be awake during endoscopy?  I wouldn’t want to be that’s for sure!!  Did you ever have propofol? It is anesthesia but goes in through IV; it’s not gas or inhaled.  Very quick acting a recovery is fast too!  I’ve had it a few times and never had any issues with it and I’m pretty sensitive to meds...even before benzo withdrawal. 


I hope you get answers and feel better soon Scooby!




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I started Pepcid AC 10mg x 2 today. If i can tolerate it i will raise the dose to 20 x2 daily to heal my esophagus. The pain in my chest is bothersome, it feels irritated/inflamed pinching, stinging. I need to cure this. If this Pepcid doesn't work i will have to try a PPI again. Possibly Rabeprazole or Dexilant.
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Was having upper stomach pain and a soar throat, with difficulty swallowing for weeks. Really had me worried. Had an endoscopy done last week: everything was OK. A little reflux. The relief is immense. Makes the pain and discomfort much easier to handle.

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Hi Scooby,


No, I don't take omeprazol. That doesn't agree with benzos.

I took Pantoprazol for a few days just this week,  but stopped taking it, because my muscles started to burn.


Lifting the top end of your bed some 15 to 20 cm does help. It prevents the acid from entering your esophagus.

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Trochsetter I took Rabeprazole 10mg today. I didn't want too but had too, my chest hurts from the inflammation and possibly acid shooting up. I been taking Gavisicon every night for a month and a half and i dont want to use that. Its a lower dose Rabeprazole, hopefully i dont get bad reactions.
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Trochsetter It did work but i stopped after 1 dose because of anxiety and ears ringing. The chest pain came back. I have no choice now but to treat this naturally for a longer period of time. I hope i goes away.
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Hi Scooby,


Like you I stopped taking it. My muscles started to burn.

The last couple of early mornings ( that's when I felt the stomach pain and chest burning) have been OK.


Good luck to you.

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