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  • 3 weeks later...

English is not my native language, so I have used translation. So I may not understand everything.


But I recognize your symptoms. During my time with Benzo, I had a lot of problems. And nobody knew why. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, ME/CFS or maybe MS. I also had a lot of pain in my body. I had problems with severe anxiety, insomnia, hoarseness and general illness.


You have done a lot of research. Do you have problem with health anxiety? And everything was ok? Do you feel more calm after these? Benzo can cause many symptoms.  :)

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It's pretty common for individuals to feel little or no positive emotion during withdrawal/recovery.  It happened to me for a few months.  Feelings came back in time, but you may need to finish your taper and recover a bit first.  I sometimes suggest playing with puppies/kittens or watching rom-coms or Pixar movies to try to jump start those feelings.


I also had some kind of occasional stabbing pain around my eyes during my withdrawal.  Felt like somebody was using an ice pick my eyes or temples or around the bridge of my nose.  I figured it was sinus pressure pain - I'd had similar (intense) pain a couple of times ascending/descending during air travel.  That symptom fully resolved.  I haven't had any stabbing eye pain in quite some time.


You're perhaps figuring out that all of these med and alt-med folks might not have a quick fix for this malady called benzo withdrawal.  This is a community of tens of thousands of individuals, and if there was something out there to alleviate the suffering or speed the healing, we'd know about it.  Here's what I've seen...  Vegan, Mediterranean paleo - doesn't seem to matter, but it's definitely beneficial to eat.  No supplement has consistently given relief or sped healing.  There's no correlation between healing and gluten intake or spinal adjustments.  There's certainly nothing wrong with an adjustment or massage or even an enema if it makes you feel better, but it's probably not going to speed healing.  I'd be very careful adding new drugs to try to compensate for tapering another.


I do think it can help to talk with a therapist to try to keep a positive attitude until all this eventually resolves.  I prefer therapists to p-docs in that they don't resort to drugs.  Instead, they teach coping skills.  That and time are about all I've seen consistently work for people.  That probably won't satisfy your health anxiety (I also sense that), but it could save you thousands of $$ of copays.


As for the original issue.  Staring at computer screens for long periods of time can be taxing on the eyes.  Depending on the nature/intensity of the work, it can also be taxing on the soul.

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