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Describing your pain?


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Pain Words?


Over the years I have had a lot of pain but the contracture and rigidity and feeling like all muscles have turned to fibrotic ribber and that my body is literally crushing itself is different than other pain I have experienced even when that pain has been very severe.


So, I was wondering how those with pain in WD describe their pain.


Below is a list of pain words to help.


Please describe your pain using these words or others you find more useful and say where it is in your body, whether or is constant or comes and goes etc.




General Pain Words


flickering, quivering, pulsing, throbbing, beating, pounding

jumping, flashing, shooting

pricking, boring, drilling, stabbing

sharp, cutting, lacerating

pinching, pressing, growing, cramping, crushing

tugging, pulling, wrenching

hot, burning, scalding, searing

tingling, itchy, smarting, stinging

dull, sore, hurting, aching, heavy

tender, taut, rasping, splitting

tiring, exhausting

sickening, suffocating

fearful, frightful, terrifying

punishing, gruelling, cruel, vicious, killing

wretched, blinding

annoying, troublesome, miserable, intense, unbearable

spreading, radiating, penetrating, piercing

tight, numb, drawing, squeezing, tearing

cool, cold, freezing

nagging, nauseating, agonising, dreadful, torturing

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