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Disabling Intrusive Thoughts. Please help!


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Hi BB: I have been tapering 1.5 mg of Kolonopin since March and for awhile it was going well. But, now that I have gotten to the relatively low dose of .26 mg per day my w/d symptoms have become intense. A major one is intrusive thoughts - unwanted recurring thoughts that are very distressing. They tend to change from one to the next a bit but they are disabling me terribly where I can barely function. They make me very panicked and anxious.


Do any of you other tapering BBs have this w/d symptom?

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In my experience, looping intrusive thoughts are a very common withdrawal symptom, and a big reason that we encourage people to learn the art of 'distraction'.  Distraction is deliberately placing your conscious thoughts on something unrelated to your withdrawal.  I would often go for a short walk and put my attention on trees, people, cars, clouds, even ant hills or sidewalk cracks.  Anything to help take my attention off looping thoughts.


Alternatively, I'd get busy doing something to occupy my mind.  It would be a simple (non-stressful) task, but one that required thought.  Cleaning, sorting, puzzles, games, cooking, gardening, organizing... general busywork.    I spent an afternoon once sorting nuts/bolts/screws/nails in my garage.  Helped me through a difficult day, and now my garage is much better organized.


Unlike tremors or many of the other withdrawal-related symptoms, I find looping thoughts is one symptom where people can actually cause a positive difference.  And with your head in a better place, you may find that some of your other symptoms ease up a bit (e.g. palps).  It takes some practice, and there are days when it might seem impossible.  Keep at it and it will become more natural.  This practice became my mantra (feed the right wolf), and it helped me immeasurably.


I hope this helps.

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