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Adrenaline/cortisol all night long part 2....


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So I am just not sleeping. Some nights I go off in a trance for about an hour where I have a dream, but I’m constantly wired on even though exhausted I cannot get sleepy. This is going on nearly 3 weeks and worsening. I had similar during taper. Post jump I started to get my sleep back for the first time in 7 months and now torture. Why is this happening? Anyone else had this and how long did it last and what did you do to manage it? So far I have taken benedryl twice just to get some rest every 5 days but it’s making me insane and anxious. I’m 2 months out and it’s gotten worse since the 1 month mark.
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I'm sorry you're not sleeping.  I think those of us who took these pills strictly for sleep really confront this insomnia thing.  For me, little thoughts, concerns will pop up as I'm trying to sleep, and I'll suddenly be wide awake.  My advice is to be patient and do your best to relax about the whole issue of sleep.  It will come back, but it may take time.  Many people get more sleep than they realize, but it's broken into little chunks.


fwiw - I tend to sleep the best following a day of doing tons of simple calculations and/or busywork.  10-12 hours of number crunching literally wears out my brain and those late night thoughts don't pop up.


I used benadryl (or Unisom/doxy) a few times a week to help with sleep.  I didn't want to take it every day, but I definitely slept better when I took it.  Of the two, doxy worked better for me, but it would leave me feeling really groggy the next morning.  Cannabis worked even better for me, but it's not an option for everybody.


Do your best to not get emotional (angry or sad) about the insomnia since adding emotion often makes insomnia worse.  Hang in there.  It will get better.

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Thanks so much for the encouragement. I’m starting to get used to it and you are right  it will come back because it has intermittently throughout the process. I had a hard time with cannabis and cbd when I first jumped, but I may try again now and see if it works! Thanks for the reminder :) that would be my preference!

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