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Anyone in USA successfully get Disability?


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I want to try and help a friend in USA apply for disability.


She is very severe, housebound for years, still tapering and has both very severe physical movement disorder from WD as well as akathesia, POTS and severe mental symptoms.


I see on the website it has a list of mental disorders none of which apply and some of which require compliance with treatment etc.


Can ask those on here in the USA who applied and received disability how you d coded which category to use?


Any tips that are useful.


I am in the UK and here you can write down all the different health issues and it is based on symptoms.


Also, there is no way she will be able to attend an assessment as she is literally unable to leave house even to go to Dr etc. She has no GP involved in care but has an addiction specialist she consults with via Skype.





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My nurse practitioner (the one who prescribed me the Ativan … grrrrrr ) agreed to support my short-term disability. She filled out paperwork with a "major depression" diagnosis. This was for the state of California, which provides 60% of your salary.


My employer also offers disability leave --- I had to provide my medical records and some paperwork, which were reviewed by a third-party insurance company before benefits were granted. This covered the other 40% of my salary for 3 months.


After taking 3 months off, I went back to work.


I think it varies, depending on where you live and your employer. This has been a horrific experience, but I am grateful that I didn't have to worry about my financial situation.

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I'm almost certain she must be under a doc or shrinks care so that they can document that she is disabled.  She needs to go see a doc.  Then get an attorney who specializes in disability cases.  It's nearly impossible to win on your own here in the states. 
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Social security disability is extremely difficult to get, short term disability from work is much easier, as long as your doctor can support with needed document.


I heard social security disability requires 2 independent doctors pointed by the government to assess you in person. And periodically reassessed. I don't know if an attorney is always needed though.


Your friend can ask her doctor. Most doctors know the general process and requirement.


There should be online info too.



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Trump's 2020 budget includes billions of dollars of cuts to SSI/SSDI.


They have created a new 'catagory' for those who were deemed 'not curable'...reviewing cases as often as every 6 months.


There will be more homelessness and suicides.  Reagan did this back in the 80s and 20,000 people died.


They are making it harder for the 'losers' in society to survive.


But we sure like to give the rich tax breaks and spend increasing amounts on the military...did you hear about the 21 TRILLION dollars missing from the DoD/HUD ??



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There is no way she can get out to see a Dr. She has been in extremely severe WD for several years and is still tapering. Her savings have run out and a relative who is looking after her is struggling financially.


The only medical support she has is from an addiction specialist who prescribed her Benzos for tapering and who she consults with once a month on Skype.


I understand she would need to be assessed but this would have to be at home which must be possible for ppl who are too unwell to leave bed or their house etc.


It is no different here in the UK. I had to be assessed this year and they came to assess me at ho e but I was already on disability and just being moved to the new system and had good support I g documentation.


I am just trying to get more info on the USA system.


Does anyone have a link where I can look at the form?


Are there different kinds?


In the UK we have Employment  and Support allowance for if you are too unwell to work and Personal Independence Payment for extra costs associated with disability such as paying for care or transport.



It is hard to get these things here too - 1000s of sick and disabled ppl have killed themselves because of the UK system and nobody cares. We got our system by copying the US one.



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Social care for people in the US is just, uncaring and dysfunctional. For a country that always idolizes our service members, we don't even take care of them. That alone should tell you it's no better. Wish I could tell you more but disability is insanely hard to get.


Hospitals aren't much better for people in our situation. My cousin works at the hospital as a social worker and she even says they do not treat benzo addictions/dependency. They will take care of alcoholics however.

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Trump won't get his way with what he's proposing.  I guess he just wants to get those who aren't truly disabled anymore back to work. 


SSDI was not easy for me to get at all.  I had to have tons of documentation from docs, shrinks, psychologists, etc.  Didn't have to see any of their docs, just had to see docs I was seeing and get their documentation.  I had to get a disability attorney who won the case for me.  Only if you have a limb off, etc will you be able to win SSDI by yourself, IMO. 

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