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Crossover From Klonopin To Librium


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Hello Buddies,

so I did a straight crossover from Klonopin to Librium about 4 days ago.  Was on .75 of Klonopin and SICK.  Doc put me on 50mg

of Librium which is equivalent to 1mg of Klonopin.  Here is the problem.  I am still sick.  So today I took .50 of Klonopin and immediately

felt better an hour later!  I called the doctor, she told me to increase the Librium to 75mg.  25mg 3x day. 


What are your thoughts on a gradual crossover from Klonopin to Librium?  Anybody been thru this?


Any input appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I did a slow crossover from Xanax to Librium. I had a spike in symptoms when I let go of my last bit of Xanax but was better within a week. Only problem was I found Librium to be very depressing. That improved as I got lower. So be careful about upping your Librium too much.
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  • 3 weeks later...


along with the depression. Were you also TIRED and DROWSY all the time like I am now?


Well, yes. I considered that part of the depression. I started tapering right away after finishing my crossover so I could get lower on the drug. From my reading, it seemed the longer-acting benzos were more depressing, so I believed it was the direct effect of the Librium that was depressing me. The lower I got on the drug, the less depressed I was. When I felt like the depression had improved enough that I could function, I did a long hold. Up until that point my taper was pretty awful. After the hold, my taper was difficult, but not intolerable. I would get bouts of fatigue but then I would get days when my energy was much better and I could get a lot done. And now I am off. So hang in there. It will get better. You'll be off one day, too. :)

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