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Why can't live give us a break during benzo withdrawal


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The hardest part about dealing with benzo withdrawal is that life and all of its stresses keep happening even when you feel your worst. For example I have 2 daughters that I have to be there for and parent...not easy. Now I found out that my foundation is bad on my house and I have to put piers underneath of it to stabilize. I found mold in my ducts, we are redoing out master bedroom etc. Man no wonder I am stuck in a wave. I am afraid of our home but I don't know if this is the real me or not. Life is hard and throw intrusive thoughts, anxiety, depression etc. Too much
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Yeah, life definitely keeps on going without regard for you needing to take the time to recover. I also have a 4 year old to chase, business to run (which has been stressful AF), now caring for my 95 year old grandpa who recently moved in with my family and the toughest - processing the loss of my brother to cancer which happened 5 months ago. I've had a few days where I felt like I was back to normal if not even better than before, but now I got hit with my first wave, which slammed me hard :'( I just want to put everything on pause, so I can "detangle" each problem one at a time...


I guess maybe we need to learn how to build up callus to the life stressors and not focus on the bad that's happening? It's something I'm figuring out myself!

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I feel this same way.

I am a single mother to four teenager daughters. Very little support. My mother died. My boyfriend left. My best friend left. I had a chronic disease and medical trauma. My house flooded. My house almost caught on fire. My daughter was just in the hospital for 8 days over Thanksgiving and now has a condition which has required me to quit my job (the last pillar of my former life I had). It's just on and on. I am 9 months off and don't know how to keep going but I do.


Sorry, not trying to be negative in your post. Just that I understand.  :smitten:

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Oh Warrior my heart goes out to you, I've had setback after setback too, after 2 years i don't have much strength left to keep going but I'm sending some to you, hang in there.
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It does not seem fair. But please just take it a day at a time, an hour at a time. Today, a wave hit me...and I am taking life in 5 minute increments.  :thumbsup: we just have to try and keep trying even when every cell screams "enough!!!" Because we will heal. We will come out on the other side and life will be sweet again.
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I'm right there with you all on this one. Something as simple as looking at a pile of dishes makes me so enraged. I need help with all the most basic stuff right now. I snapped at my wife when she asked what I was getting my parents for Christmas. I don't even want to think about that. I can't deal with stress and I think that's why I'm so angry all the time.
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