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Hi Liberty,


I see no-one has replied to you. I wouldn’t take that to mean that you are the only one who has ever had this symptom or that there is anything special about it. It sounds like a WD symptom to me and we all know that they come and go or come and stay. I’ve had various head pains at different times and have just tolerated them and now they don’t bother me any more when they come to visit.


Good luck with it



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I have had terrible migraines on and while tapering benzos.  Just awful.  I get the whole visual aura, usually lasting from 10-60 minutes, and then PAIN.  Terrible pain.  Sometimes, if I take an aspirin during the visual aura part, the next part isn't as bad, but not always.  The pains are usually not stabbing or sharp.  I have got stabbing or sharp pains from my sinuses or tension, but it's not a migraine.  Either way, pain on your head is no fun. 
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I had classical migraines with auras from adolescence but hardly had o e the 20 years on diazepam. They returned once got off and have the ‘sparkles’ and odd white blanks In vision every day now.
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