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Is anyone else direct tapering from Xanax?  We have a dedicated thread, but it doesn’t seem to attract many.  I’m wondering if it’s because so many have docs who will do crossovers, or whether the Xanax taper people just don’t know where to post.  I can’t imagi e there are only a handful of people are being forced to direct dry taper off Xanax.  Please dont move this post...the dedicated Xanax posts are not getting any feedback!  I’m desperate to see the others who are suffering from an uninformed doc who won’t do a crossover.  Help.
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Is anyone else direct tapering from Xanax?  We have a dedicated thread, but it doesn’t seem to attract many.  I’m wondering if it’s because so many have docs who will do crossovers, or whether the Xanax taper people just don’t know where to post.  I can’t imagi e there are only a handful of people are being forced to direct dry taper off Xanax.  Please dont move this post...the dedicated Xanax posts are not getting any feedback!  I’m desperate to see the others who are suffering from an uninformed doc who won’t do a crossover.  Help.


I direct tapered off alprazolam (Xanax). I started DLMT and it was easier to make dose reductions.  I’ve been off 40 days.


I’m currently tapering clonazepam (Klonopin) thanks to an idiot psychiatrist who thought crossing over from approximately 2.5mg alprazolam to 1mg clonazepam would be equal.  It wasn’t and I ended up on both.


I don’t miss alprazolam but I’m still very symptomatic with dizziness, nausea, insomnia and agoraphobia.


I’m hoping the lower I go in dose, the symptoms may ease.


Check out the titration boards for a liquid tapering method.  Dry tapering can be a challenge since the tabs don’t come in lower dosage.  You could always use a scale and weigh dry tabs.


I found DLMT easier.


Good luck.





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