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Ativan Help


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I took .5mg Ativan for almost a month every 3-5 days and then everyday for about 1.5 months. At that time i think I hit tolerance as I was getting the most intense bouts of anxiety, insane stomachaches and dizziness. I began my taper and without knowing I’ve made a 30% cut down to .35mg in about  2 weeks. I am completely debilitated. I yell at my family the entire day without any control over myself, my anxiety is through the roof and negative thoughts and talks  are completely through the roof among many other things such as almost no memory of anything and acting completely delusional rolling around on the floor. Also the Ativan is hitting me different every time I take it and it’s usually an adverse reaction. Most of the time it overly sedates me for a couple of hours then it’s back to high anxiety and anger. Some days I wake up with my body and face are completely numb.


I have no clue what to do. I really don’t want to up dose unless it is highly recommended, maybe holding for a bit can be a good idea or should I just keep making micro cuts? I’m so close to being admitted to the hospital or just calling it quits. The negative thoughts are completely overwhelming and started with the Ativan

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I’m sorry you feel this way, but know that you aren’t alone.  I had a very similar experience a year ago, and there are many who’ve gone through this.  I would recommend stabilizing you dosage and take 3 even doses a day.  In my opinion you should hold everything stable for a while until symptoms subside.  You WILL get better but it can take a while of stable holding, takes patience.  Lots of good resources on here.


Hang in there!

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I agree with holding for a while.  But some people do go back up to the dose where their symptoms were better and it works. It's hard to say if that would work for you. But when you do start tapering again you might to a liquid microtaper.  When I microtapered I cut 0.002 mg a day most of the taper and right at the end slowed to 0.001 mg cut a day. 


How to liquid microtaper:  http://benzo.alwaysdata.net/titration/titrationHelp.htm?help=Readme+First ::)


Also if you look in Support Groups there's an Ativan support group. They'll love your name because there was talk of changing the name of the group to Ativan Haters.

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I also do a liquid microtaper.  I’ve been going down at a rate of 0.0015 mg a day, trying to ramp to 0.002.  I highly recommend it as a way to taper and minimize symptoms
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