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How to train your looping thoughts into positive ones.


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Hi guys,

This is what gets me through the day.

Subtle changes.

I have to hard diet. Cut caffeine out. No alcohol. No MSG or cruciferous vegetables. Whatsoever. Period.

Now to the looping thoughts.

Train your brain to say: "I can do this," and repeat this over and over.

"I will not have a seizure,"

"I know I can do this,"

Do this over and over.

Be kind to yourself.

Take rests when you have to.

If you need to, put your feet up.

Don't push yourself if you don't have to.

I took a 20 minute break from walking my Mum to driving my car.

Yes, I panicked hardcore, but I used my thoughts to get us home.

This is how I overcome my waves.

Hope this helps.

Dave.  8)

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Hey, whatever puts wind in your sails! But for the lot of us with the Benzo ordeal, the "bull by the horns" is naive. What may be more effective in this case is letting it come up without judging any thoughts "positive" vs "negative". It's actually a question of Real vs unreal. It's a state of crisis that usually goes in waves or never ceases - until further notice! In over 3 yrs. I've not known any light at that proverbial end of the tunnel. Has been a truly humbling experience. Wow!
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Hey, whatever puts wind in your sails! But for the lot of us with the Benzo ordeal, the "bull by the horns" is naive. What may be more effective in this case is letting it come up without judging any thoughts "positive" vs "negative". It's actually a question of Real vs unreal. It's a state of crisis that usually goes in waves or never ceases - until further notice! In over 3 yrs. I've not known any light at that proverbial end of the tunnel. Has been a truly humbling experience. Wow!

Yes, but isn't it better to push through the withdrawal and think positively, rather than dwell on the negative? I know benzo withdrawal is sheer hell, but I try not to think of it that way.

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill.


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