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Struggling already- still 1mg klonipin to go, feedback helpful


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I made it through the taper relatively easy from 2.5 mg of klonopin down to 1 mg over the course of 5 months. Going down to .90mg has been hell. I thought I was about to have a heart attack because of chest and left arm pain/ tingling for an hour. Did anyone else experience this? I still have a long way to go....
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Congratulations! Wow.  Compared to me, you have come so far in a relatively short time.  What I do know is that I have had what feels like a heart attack lots.  Usually when I am very symptomatic in w/d.  Shortness of breath and tightness - even pain, in my chest.  With hand and arm numbness.  I know that my stress reaction is way over the top usually on days when I have physically or mentally overdone it.  There are two pressure points that I press on with the span of my left hand...  My acupressure lady showed me them.  They really help.  I dig into my upper left armpit just under the arm/chest muscle with my left thumb (you'll fell it cause it hurts a bit when you find the spot) and press quite hard in between the second rib down from my collarbone in the center over my left breast. It will smart a bit.  Hold tight and use circular movements for a bit.  This seems to work for me and has saved me from going to the emergency room several times.  That said,  please don't avoid going to emerg if you think you are having a  heart attack!  Do tell the nurses and doctor that you are coming off benzodiazepines.  I suffered a head injury a while back and was very confused and scared.  I did go to emerg and they discovered my blood pressure was 210 over 110.... (it should be 120 over 80 or so).  The doctor was really worried about it, until I told him I was in benzo withdrawal... and then he said "Ah yes."  Even our blood vessels are having a challenge to relax without this drug.  Please get help if you are in dire straights and I have to say I am really interested in how you fare on this last leg of your taper....  It could be you are just now beginning to feel the healing crisis.  I liked the post at the top of this page that talks about what is going on in your brain.  It really helped me to hear that some of my worst symptoms are not me dying, but my body and nerves trying to  heal, and find its way back to wholeness..... sending strength and love..... stay posted!!!
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thank you for the feedback, very helpful. I spent $50 at urgent care for them to tell me it was nothing but it was worth it considering I thought I was having a heart attack. In the next few months I plan on stop working (its already barely possible) and moving in with my family for the rest of the taper. Im just lucky they are around,
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Yes, I started tapering at 2.5 klon too and you are at the point that was the hardest for me too.  It’s just a stage, please keep pushing through, but at your own most gentle pace possible.  It got much easier as I got lower.  I too had the heart attack fears and my blood pressure was high.  I started building up exercise, gentle exercise.  Just do step touches back in forth in front of your tv.  If you do 20 minutes per day, your blood pressure should lower.  Mine is perfect now and I’m up to an hour on the bike (still gentle though, I’m relaxed and watch tv) Use this time to embrace the anxiety, it is a part of this process and if you learn to not fear it but observe it, it will help you so much when it pops up later in the taper.  It was going through the tough anxiety at 1mg that makes me realize these smaller and shorter attacks are bearable.  You will be so empowered in the future and your nervous system won’t overreact like it’s doing now.  You’re doing great!!
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