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Has anyone healed successfully while taking hydroxyzine?


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I was taking it only on my worst days, but lately life stresssors are too much to bear plus the wd so I'm taking 25 mgs a night of hydroxyzine. I sometimes worry that it could interfere with gaba receptors upregulating . That's why I'm asking if anyone has taken this med and tapered and healed successfully. I'm absolutely not interested in the opinions of those who are against all meds or those who have not had a direct experience with this drug while tapering. Thank you.
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In my opinion it should be fine. I am healing relatively quick while taking and tapering remeron. Remeron is an antihistamine just like Vistaril/Atarax. Not the same of course. I have been stidying and have found reports that even Benadryl which is very similar to Vistaril or Atarax causes withdrawals and needs to be tapered if taken long term. If I could turn back the clock. I would have tried Hydroxyzine instead of Remeron first. I believe that it would have been much easier for me to discontinue hydroxyzine than the time I am having tapering mirtazapine. It seems that most of us on remeron feel that it did not hinder our healing. Vistaril works on the H1 receptor I believe. I do not think antihistamines affect gaba in any way. I suppose someone could step in and correct me if I am mistaken.
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In my opinion it should be fine. I am healing relatively quick while taking and tapering remeron. Remeron is an antihistamine just like Vistaril/Atarax. Not the same of course. I have been stidying and have found reports that even Benadryl which is very similar to Vistaril or Atarax causes withdrawals and needs to be tapered if taken long term. If I could turn back the clock. I would have tried Hydroxyzine instead of Remeron first. I believe that it would have been much easier for me to discontinue hydroxyzine than the time I am having tapering mirtazapine. It seems that most of us on remeron feel that it did not hinder our healing. Vistaril works on the H1 receptor I believe. I do not think antihistamines affect gaba in any way. I suppose someone could step in and correct me if I am mistaken.


Thank you Jack. I'm sure you will heal on the remeron and will be able to taper that too. I didn't know it was an antihistamine.

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It is but I am pretty sure there is more to the science behind it. None the less, I went for allergy testing three weeks ago and the doctor said the skin test probably would not work because of the remeron. He stuck me with histamine and zero reaction. It is actually a very strong antihistamine. It does work on other receptors though but it is the antihistamine part of it that provides the sleep and appetite which for me were the most useful parts of the drug as I do not suffer from depression. Actually at 15 mg Remeron seemed to be giving me depression. Once I started tapering the depression started lifting. Now at 10.8 mg I feel like my normal self personailty wise but I still have to deal with the ohysical withdrawal symptoms which sucks. That’s why I wonder if I could have gotten by with just Vistaril for the appetite and sleep. But hey, the remeron helped and I am getting off of it so it is what it is.
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It is but I am pretty sure there is more to the science behind it. None the less, I went for allergy testing three weeks ago and the doctor said the skin test probably would not work because of the remeron. He stuck me with histamine and zero reaction. It is actually a very strong antihistamine. It does work on other receptors though but it is the antihistamine part of it that provides the sleep and appetite which for me were the most useful parts of the drug as I do not suffer from depression. Actually at 15 mg Remeron seemed to be giving me depression. Once I started tapering the depression started lifting. Now at 10.8 mg I feel like my normal self personailty wise but I still have to deal with the ohysical withdrawal symptoms which sucks. That’s why I wonder if I could have gotten by with just Vistaril for the appetite and sleep. But hey, the remeron helped and I am getting off of it so it is what it is.


Don't worry. You're doing great with your taper and sooner than you know it you'll be med free.

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I started taking Vistarel last Monday. It worked well the first 2 nights. 3rd night didn’t.  It could be my state of anxiety. Do you experience the same effectiveness every night? I’m in such a state of complete fear, but I don’t fear this drug.


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Hi magnolis dear. Tbh I'm taking it every single day now, as I'm going through a lot of stress in life. It does work a bit, but if you're in acute withdrawal with terror 24/7 then it does nothing. I was like that last summer. Now I'm better, not well but better, and it takes off the edge a bit. I'm also on gabapentin, plus trazodone for sleep. Not recommending, just stating the facts.
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This is a rough journey. I just experienced the panic and terror about sleep. I take trazadone also. It does nothing. I always expected the drug to put me to sleep. Just connected the dots. If you are in a state of terror, nothing will work!! Does visterel need to be tapered?

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Hi Magnolis. I see you crashed and updosed only a month ago. My updose and HOLD took more than that to work. I was in hell for two months. I know you think you won't survive but you will. Distract constantly. At night I watched gossip TV. I had bad SI. Please repeat to yourself that what you're feeling is TEMPORARY. Please believe me. Very important: make no changes in your dose. You must take exactly the same dose of benzo every single day at the same time. This is the only way to get better. Your brain can't deal with more changes. The trazodone might be helping a bit even if you don't realize it. According to my psyc doc, hydroxizine does not have to be tapered but others say the opposite. I take it on and off and honestly I don't care. It's just an antihistamine. What would have to be tapered is the trazodone so don't stop taking the trazodone if you're already on it. Please hang in there. Things get better but it takes time. You think you won't make it but you will. DISTRACT. It's what got me through that period. I listened to baylissas youtube videos on repeat all night or watched tv. It was still hell but it passed.
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I was taking it only on my worst days, but lately life stresssors are too much to bear plus the wd so I'm taking 25 mgs a night of hydroxyzine. I sometimes worry that it could interfere with gaba receptors upregulating . That's why I'm asking if anyone has taken this med and tapered and healed successfully. I'm absolutely not interested in the opinions of those who are against all meds or those who have not had a direct experience with this drug while tapering. Thank you.


I know this reply isn’t very timely, but I believe Colin has mentioned that hydroxyzine helped him during withdrawal.

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I started a new topic but I want to ask here.  Last night after taking 50 mg of vistaril I started having anxiety with no sedation. It’s just subsiding now at 1am.  This happened the previous time I took it but I didn’t think it was the drug. My body says no to this drug too. Has anyone heard of this?
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I started a new topic but I want to ask here.  Last night after taking 50 mg of vistaril I started having anxiety with no sedation. It’s just subsiding now at 1am.  This happened the previous time I took it but I didn’t think it was the drug. My body says no to this drug too. Has anyone heard of this?


Not me but you're not the first one writing about such an effect. I wouldn't try again.

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Hi magnolis dear. Tbh I'm taking it every single day now, as I'm going through a lot of stress in life. It does work a bit, but if you're in acute withdrawal with terror 24/7 then it does nothing. I was like that last summer. Now I'm better, not well but better, and it takes off the edge a bit. I'm also on gabapentin, plus trazodone for sleep. Not recommending, just stating the facts.


This site is not anti-med, first of all. If meds help you to taper/hold the BZD, then they could be a good idea.


I used to take hydroxyzine after my first BZD taper, in 2003. I found it incredibly calming.


It didn't have much effect on me while I was still on the BZD. It helped to reduce panic attacks resulting from interdose WD.


I think I took the lowest possible dose when I freed myself from the BZD. Like 10 mg. Still had to break the pill in half. It was very strong. Increased my appetite, as it is an anti-histamine.


I hope you get some sleep, Val. And that your week is more or less peaceful.

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Thank you Estee dear one. I hope the best for you too. 10 mgs hydroxyzine is like candy for my fear. I take 25 and in summer in acute I'd take 100 and noticed absolutely nothing.
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