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Burning and tingling!! Will it ever go away?!?!

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Will the tingling and burning ever go away?!?! 3 months into quitting klonopin( 0.5 mg 1x a day )and zoloft (25 mg 1x a day) cold turkey, the tingling and burning started. Not a very good feeling. Also lots of head pressure and tingling and burning on top of scalp. I've totally lost hope. I see no light at the end of the tunnel. The only thing that keeps me going are  my kids. Was only on this stuff for 4 weeks because of a couple of panic attacks and it literally took my whole life away
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Tingling was pretty common for me the first several months. It gradually diminished. At 1 year off, I have not had the tingling sensation in several months.
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Hi 76,


I am currently experiencing the same EXACT thing. I wake up in the morning (From only 4-5 hrs of sleep due to insomnia) and just wait. About 10 mins later, the burning sensation begins. It looks like we have a similar experience with short-term use as well. The burning and tingling at the top of the scalp is so unbelievably painful, distracting  and it makes me cry often. BUT...I want to be encouraging. We CAN and WILL beat this! I believe it!


A few solutions (though only temporary) that have worked for me are massaging pressure points in my neck and back that somehow are connected to the scalp/head. I looked up acupressure points on YouTube. Granted it is acupressure for migraines, but I’m willing to try anything. I also is literally place an ice pack on top of my head for about 15 mins. Apparently, the coolness from the ice tricks the body/mind and neutralizes the burning. Lastly, if it’s really bad, I do the massage, ice pack and take a Tylenol. (It doesn’t always work. It’s 50/50). Please let me know if this works. Or if you have found another solution PLEASE let me know. I’m new to BB. I’m always looking for short-termers that have similar experiences. Plus I dont feel so alone in this process when I see similar stories. I know the timeline for recovery is different for everyone. But it’s still good to share information to help with recovery. We got this!


FP1984 thanks for the encouragement. The burning is so hard to deal with. But your words are reassuring that it will end in due time.


Dani B

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This is a very common wd symptom, and yes it does go away. It is being caused by your temporarily damaged brain. Once you are completely off benzos, your brain begins to heal itself, requiring no action on your part. It just takes time, and patience.

Allow yourself the time to heal. Be good to yourself! If eating chocolate makes you feel good, eat it.  Don't deny yourself small life's pleasures. Indulge a bit but don't go overboard. Don't mess around with

supplements. None will help you.

Learn new ways of dealing with stress, anxiety, insomnia. Without reaching for yet another darn pill. That nay be the most difficult lesson you will have to learn.


Dani has given you some good advice. Me, back then, I would not have been able to do all that Dani suggested, I was so far gone into benzo wd insanity. But I did do a few things that helped and one was distracting myself. That turned out to be the best  medicine for bwd stuff.

Never, never give up.


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76, I absolutely can tell you with 100 certainty that the burning and tingling will go away. It was my worst symptom, out of the 21 I had. That dam burning and tingling, and my head felt like I was wearing a skull cap, that was squeezing. My burning sensations were brutal, my mouth and even my privates burned, my torso, my eyes.....it was hell. I was so afraid that it would never leave......OMG, I truly understand your pain. But please believe me, it does not last. Mine slowly faded away......


You will be OK, hon. You will get your life back and your calm mind and body.


Always, Cindy

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Yes its awful, my feet, hands and face peeled and burned, it has only returned yesterday but I have lotion, aloe vera infused socks are literally saving me...and cold cloth for my feet.  Also using dicoflonec cream it does help or it's just the massaging it in also.  Stay strong it will pass I hope soon for you and I!💪
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  • 3 weeks later...

Dani, I am so sorry you are suffering with that dam burning. My burning was intense for 3-6 months, and then slowly faded away. I used distraction, walking and talking to myself repeating positive affirmations. I promise you the burning will completely go away, just takes time and more time.


You'll be OK, hon.


Always, cindy

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  • 3 weeks later...
The worst burning in my life was at week 7 off I burned so bad the ceiling fan blowing air hurt I couldn’t sit down felt like my glutes  we’re being slashed open With shards of cut glass. Inside of  My bars still burn
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The worst burning in my life was at week 7 off I burned so bad the ceiling fan blowing air hurt I couldn’t sit down felt like my glutes  we’re being slashed open With shards of cut glass. Inside of  My bars still burn

I'm so sorry for your suffering. I still have it but not everyday and its bearable for now. What meds were on and for how long??
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The worst burning in my life was at week 7 off I burned so bad the ceiling fan blowing air hurt I couldn’t sit down felt like my glutes  we’re being slashed open With shards of cut glass. Inside of  My bars still burn


Did your gluten also go extremely tight and pull if you tried to walk around. Like rigidity into sacrum and tight band across top of gluten?

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Yes, this will go away, but it can take some time. From what I know, after reading thousands of posts here on BB, this sort of symptom usually happens in the first couple months off benzos. I sure had it. I had formication (feeling like tiny insects were crawling all over my skin.) Gross! I also itched and burned. Even my TEETH itched, and my gums itched and burned. God, this stuff is weird. If I had not experienced it I would assume you guys are crazy. But I DID got through it and now know its a very common benzo wd symptom.


I remember writing here that there is no way to scratch at an itch in your teeth! LOL! This stuff is so weird.

But all of it goes away once you start to heal.


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Just curious. How long did it last for you? Honestly, the burning and tingling nerve pain all over my head/scalp is THE MOST CHALLENGING. I guess I could consider it a window...the burning stopped for 2 days this past weekend. But today it came back...made me cry for most of the morning. Smh. Those 2 days were such a relief. Like I could exhale. I could think clearly. I think I’m looking forward MOST to healing from this specific symptom!

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The worst burning in my life was at week 7 off I burned so bad the ceiling fan blowing air hurt I couldn’t sit down felt like my glutes  we’re being slashed open With shards of cut glass. Inside of  My bars still burn


Did your gluten also go extremely tight and pull if you tried to walk around. Like rigidity into sacrum and tight band across top of gluten?



Yes and felt like I was being cut with glass

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Ow PHOOEY! I just wrote out a reply here and something made it just disappear, plus I have now signed in to BB three times. Phooey!

Dani, that stuff lasted a few months after I went CT. The itching, burning skin (including my teeth and gums....I mean, how can TEETH itch? But mine sure did-). This stuff faded away only to be replaced by new weird stuff.

To treat the itchy burney skin, use to good body lotion, put on while you are still damp after your shower. If the itching is SUPER bad, try using a "colloidal oatmeal" bath soak. I am now speaking as a nurse.


Back then, my worst symptom was utter terror, of every single thing. I vividly remember looking at a carrot in my kitchen and be so scared of it. To my benzo addled brain it looked obscene and dirty. I refused to touch it. LOL! The stuff we go through! I was scared of every single thing back then. Nothing LOOKED normal and nothing FELT good to me.

I was walking with my gluteal muscles all tucked in real tight out of severe fear. Of what? I don't know, it just WAS. Fear was my worst symptom that first year, along with many other weird stuff.

But here is the good part. Once I was off benzos for a  year, things started to slowly improve. Certain symptoms just disappeared and did not come back. Others now came and went. I could function just enough, and I could finally leave my home.

There is NOTHING as terrifying as going into a Walmart store while in benzo wd. Those horrible bright lights, the way stuff looked distorted...truly awful to bear.

Benzo wd CAUSES extreme fear. WHY? Because benzos have temporarily damaged a specific part of your brain, the amygdala. The Fight or Flight Center of your brain. Benzos damp it down, allowing you to relax or go to sleep easier. But when you go OFF benzos, your amygdala goes crazy for a while,. causing intense fear, anxiety, and more fear. THAT us why back then I walked with my glute muscles all tucked in for dear life. Same for you guys.

This stuff does go away, but it will take time. Please remain patient with yourself, I am sure you are doing everything people on BB suggest to you. You want to get well, and you will, but it will take some time.

east (Annie)

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Burning/tingling of my skin is by far the most extreme symptom I have, along with acne. The burning ONLY on my face. No where else. The luck right??  It’s severe and daily. I have had some VERY short windows with this but it’s very rare. Really hoping this goes away soon
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Something you need to know is that you cannot compare yourself to anyone else on BB. Each person is different. We may share many symptoms, but how we heal is truly unique. And because so little has been scientifically proven about benzo wd, most of what we know is GUESSING. I have assumed, right or wrong, that my wd was so horrific because I took benzos for 30 years AND went Cold Turkey. But I have NO way of knowing if this is true or not. I have read of many taper people who have equally awful withdrawals.

So telling you how long it took for me to be rid of this symptom is pointless. You will heal, at your own special rate, and your own special way.

Just know and accept, that you WILL eventually heal from this.


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