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Almost a year off and having full blown withdrawals?


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Almost a year people. Past couple weeks going through the worst wave since the beginning. Crazy vibrations, feelings of having a seizure, the worst panic, dp/dr all of it like the first 3 months. Felt so good a month ago. Is it possible to be this severe this far out?


I did use bpc 157 for a few days 2-3 weeks ago and I believe that triggered this. How can the cns be so sensitive this far out? Wtf


The scary thing is I feel I’m losing my mind. Just driving or standing in my kitchen and I feel like I’m confused and not sure where I am. I get these crazy strong negative emotions of almost going to snap. It’s uncontrollable for like 5-10 seconds then it passes.


Idk what’s going on.


I told my wife I’m giving this like 3-4 more months. If this shit isn’t over I’m going back in the meds. Fuck all of this shit

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October 31 will be a year for me and although it is still bad it has improved from acute. I do notice that when I have a window and then have a wave the wave feels like a cut but in reality it’s a little bit easier. This is th hardest thing I have done. 3 years ago when this started I told the dr in the ER I didn’t want to take his drugs because they were addictive. He convinces me to take them and I did. It’s my fault because so knew. I always heard benzo withdrawal was hard I had no clue it could last over a year. We live and we learn m. It’s better than it was but still have a steep mountain to climb. At least I sleep a lil these days the first 3 months I would sleep maybe an hour then go sit in the living room with every light in the house on or pave throughout the house for hours. I could barley function at work. Work is still hard. But it’s better than it was. Gonna keep on keeping on.
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Just want to let tou know you are not alone. Damn these poisons and the doctors!


Considering it a huge achievement giving that tou made ine year out and can drive! I have been bedridden with a total trashed brain and crippled body for 14 months ever since tapering after only 5 days use

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Just want to let tou know you are not alone. Damn these poisons and the doctors!


Considering it a huge achievement giving that tou made ine year out and can drive! I have been bedridden with a total trashed brain and crippled body for 14 months ever since tapering after only 5 days use


5 days? Wtf!


I’m watched a story on YT of a guy who took Valium for like a week and it’s been a couple year battle for him. Pretty popular guy among our community. He’s doing better now although his most recent post showed a setback

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