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Hello Benzo Buddies!

I am a new member looking for support to taper off of Klonopin.  Almost 20+ years ago my psychiatrist prescribed .5M Klonopin.  This same doctor refuses to help me taper off.  I went to my PCP who was willing to help but is overwhelmed with other priorities and is not responsive.


My present dose is .2M Klonopin. We are using a compounding pharmacy with capsules.  Unfortunately, the taper is too aggressive with cuts of +20% every 3 weeks.


Thank-you for accepting me!



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Hi Lucy.


20% is pretty aggressive, I agree.  We generally follow Professor Ashton’s taper protocol of no more than 10% every two weeks. 


Here’s a link to our General Taper Plans board for help with your taper.


Other members replying to your posts generally prefer to know where you are in the process, so here’s how to add your benzodiazepine information automatically to your posts: go to Profile, then Forum Profile, write your pertinent info (benzodiazepine, dose, taper history) in the text box and save. Thanks! Let us know if you need help with this.


Take care,

Challis  :smitten:


The Ashton Manual is a comprehensive and highly regarded free online resource about benzodiazepine use, withdrawal and recovery. If you’re not familiar with it we recommend having a look.


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Hello, thank-you for the kind note.  I am very familiar with the Ashton Method and have used this as my starting point.  My issue is trying to get my doctor to follow a slower taper. 
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That’s frustrating to hear...you’d think after prescribing and refilling for a few years they’d take responsibility for helping with a reasonable taper.

Hopefully your regular doctor will step up. I’d ask again.

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