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Memory issues


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I'm sure this is the most talked about topic during withdrawal. This is REALLY bad for me. Forgetting things CONSTANTLY! I can't remember words like i used to and even in conversation my words get jumbled up and i end up stuttering and not remembering what i was talking about. I can't carry on a conversation more than 10 seconds without being derailed. Even when it comes to typing, i've always been very accurate on spelling and grammar. I forget how to spell words and forget the meaning of them even though they're in my vocabulary and i use them often. This is the complete opposite of me, i used to be so active in communicating with people and can consider myself a "public speaker" in some cases. I'm boasting my ego obviously lol but has anyone got THIS BAD? Does it get better, or will i have to live with this? It's extremely frustrating on so many levels and causes me to get really depressed. I feel like i damaged some part of my brain and it can't be fixed. It doesn't make any sense to me how on how the brain can recover or heal from this type of process that's been haunting me for the last year. I'm 29 years old and it feels like i have dementia. Can 5 years of 1 mg twice a day of xanax really do this to a human being? Was i on this drug TOO long to the point of no return? Any advice or opinions on anything i said will be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone!


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It will get better.  After my c/t, I used to forget what I was saying mid-sentence.  Just try to relax about it.  I learned to smile and nod and keep my mouth shut until my brain started working again.
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I had this one real bad. I began to think I was in early dementia. Couldn't remember words, names, names of ordinary items. Looping thoughts that never stopped, coupled with so many other yucky symptoms. I got NO peace for over a year. NO LIE.

But here I am today, alive and well and very happy I went through this ordeal. I know I did something many people simply could not have done. I also know the only reason I did not reinstate was my fear of doctors back then.

LOL! Glad I WAS!!!


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I have this bad at 10 months out still.  I will forget something and my mind will try and remember it for hours and days at a time.
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