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Question about diet/ anxiety and low blood sugars


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Hi everyone,


I was wondering what is your take on diet.


I'm 22 months post cold turkey and even though my symptoms have decreased, I'm having a hard time finding a good balance with food. The problem is that up until a few months ago I tried to cut away carbs and sugars as they were raving up my symptoms. However, recently I've noticed that if I don't eat or drink something that raises sugars in my blood, I feel anxious and I start to go nuts.  But if I start eating too much sugars, I feel bloated and that is another feeling I don't enjoy having to deal with.


Anyone experiencing anything similar? Any tips?




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  • 2 weeks later...

I think you might be eating the wrong kinds of sugars. Stay away from simple sugars that are absorbed into the bloodstream quickly. I eat a whole food plant based diet....mostly consisting of complex carbs like kale, broccoli, whole grains, beans, etc. Take a look at this video.


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24 months post cold turkey; I have been battling reactive hypoglycemia.  Been to a dietician, but sometimes despite my best efforts, I get caught off guard and fighting an uphill fight to get my blood sugar stable.  Now seeing a endrocrinologist, hoping to find some medical answers i.e. thyroid or pancreas disfunction.  No way around it, another hill to climb.  Thanks.  terry
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Thanks guys.

Oldben1964, I am so glad you mentioned hypoglycaemia because I had been investigating into it myself. I'm wondering, when you feel like getting low in sugars and the anxious feeling kick in, do you eat/drink simple sugars or something else?  I've noticed that a piece of chocolate does the trick for me, but it is short lived. If I eat too much then the anxious feeling creeps in again. I'm going crazy trying to balance it.


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