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Vitamin D Deficient


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So I had bloodwork done and it came back that I am still at 19 for vitamin d deficiency. I now have to take 50,000 IUs until my levels are over 40. First time I did this for a month in May and had no issues.

I took my 2nd dose early today and now I am ramped up. No anxiety or anything but my brain is like super alert. Is this normal? I didn’t realize low vitamins affect us so much until you start supplementing.

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I took the same when I was vitamin D deficient. I never noticed anything when I was taking, however. I get out in the sun more and take a 5,000IU supplement now and my D levels are good.
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Mine is at 25 and I started taking some two weeks ago. I haven't noticed a change either way but the doc did tell me to take it with a meal like lunch or dinner that has a higher amount of fat in it. Hope that helps.
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I had mine checked about 2 months ago and it was 19 also.  Dr said to take 5,000 units a day.  If I take that it really makes me sick within hours.  I try to take 1,000 every now and then, and trying to get outside during the summer.  I wish I could do more.
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