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All time low. Managing.


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I've failed a few times cutting my dose due to having to work and interact with colleagues. The symptoms were just too much.


This time I'm using a scale, diet and exercise. I think most importantly I'm faking it. Just dealing with the shitty waves and reminding myself that its 80% mental.


I remind myself several times a day that I'm ok and this is normal... and not forever. I'm convinced that my brain is healing.


I accept that there will probably be much more pain but there is no reason to dwell on it. It does no one any good.


Ringing ears, restlessness, burning skin. Brain fog. It all comes and goes. I found that when I'm busy I have no time to dwell on these feelings.


I think another big obstacle was rushing to get off and being bombarded with SXS.


Slow and steady.



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