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Anyone else have symptoms of hypoglycemia?


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Im getting my blood tested soon to be sure, but my main issue in recovery lately has been what seems to be low blood sugar....I start to get hungry and if I don't eat I get all the classic symptoms..shaky, dizzy, visual disturbances, feeling faint, anxiety. It always goes away after I eat. I just stopped keto that I was on for like 6 months. I'm now eating bread again and starches like potatoes and trying to eat a high protein diet. Anyone else go through this? People with hypoglycemia with no diabetes have it for underlying reasons..
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I have this a lot. I tested for diabetes and stuff like that but the results were ok. Started after the first cuts. But getting checked is a good idea, to be sure it's not something else wrong. It's like a weird craving but i dont know what i'm craving.(maybe the drug?). And i get shaky and my hands are trembling. Legs too.
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I have had this and it gets worse if I am under pressure or stressed out. It also got worse after jumping. We have a blood sugar testing machine at work and when it felt really bad I tested myself and my sugar was fine. So I ascribed it to being really down from benzos and just wanting a "pick me up" -  ultimately they say there is a shortage of dopamine and that I am trying to balance my brain chemistry...... the same global science authority says benzo withdrawal only lasts a week or two and benzo damage and suffering is not a clinical reality..... so I am rather just going to stick with how I was brought up..... eat regularly and well , stick to mealtimes and avoid processed foods..... you know....


Seriously, discuss it with a doctor but the combination you mention.....if I had that.... I.'d say it is withdrawal.


Hypoglycemia left untreated can be life threatening, be sure!


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I craved sugar when I was going through this.  I'm glad no one can check my past Amazon orders.  ::)

The cravings went away in time, but seemed so bizarre at the time except that others were going through the same thing so I knew it wasn't just me.

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Pick u pa glucometer, pretty cheap. It’s hard to tell the difference between hypoglycemia and anxiety, hypoglycemia triggers the same fight or flight neuroendocrine response. I have always been prone to it, small frequent meals and high protein take care of it. Could try a 15g protein snack at bedtime too.
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