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Does duration matter?


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If I have only been on benzos for 3 months at a low dose for bid, can I taper

Faster? Been doing liquid Valium, down to 6 mg and feel


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Yes, you probably could but I read your post history and you had Ativan starting in January and your doc tried a bunch of other benzodiazepines before settling on the Klonopin. I think caution indicates a taper of 10% reduction every couple of weeks. It really is worth it not to push too fast, although I understand why you’d want to.
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It would be helpful to those who read your posts to know your benzodiazepine background...if you’d add a ‘signature’ (benzodiazepine use and taper history) it will show up in each post automatically.


Here’s how: go up to Profile and choose Forum Profile, then write the info in the text box and save it.


Let me know if you need help and thanks!

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Unfortunately, no one can predict how you will respond to any specific taper protocol.  You need to test the limits for yourself.


But the good news is, there are no mistakes than can't be easily fixed.  If you find your taper rate is too aggressive, then hold for a few days, and try a slower rate.  Or there really is no problem with updosing back to where you were, and starting over.

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